- file upload version does not work
# 1. install and run demo page
yarn && yarn start
# 2. run file upload/donwload sever locally
docker run --rm -p 25478:25478 --name demoserver -v $HOME/tmp:/var/root mayth/simple-upload-server app -token token /var/root
# > time="2019-11-26T16:25:31Z" level=info msg="starting up simple-upload-server"
# > time="2019-11-26T16:25:31Z" level=info msg="start listening" ip= port=25478 root=/var/root token=f9403fc5f537b4ab332d upload_limit=5242880
# 3. upload test
curl --form file=@`pwd`/demo1.gif 'http://localhost:25478/upload?token=token'
# > {"ok":true,"path":"/files/demo1.gif"}
# 4. quit google chrome and re-run with cors-disabled
open http://localhost:3000/ -a "/Applications/Google" --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir
mutiple file with file uploads
mutiple file with blob ( no upload)
resize iamges