- 请求开始: 新建连接(从DBUtils管理的连接池中获取连接)
- 请求结束: 关闭连接(实际由DBUtils将连接返还连接池)
- PersistentDB :提供线程专用的数据库连接,并自动管理连接。
- PooledDB :提供线程间可共享的数据库连接,并自动管理连接。
实测证明 PersistentDB 的速度是最高的,但是在某些特殊情况下,数据库的连接过程可能异常缓慢,而此时的PooledDB则可以提供相对来说平均连接时间比较短的管理方式。
"default": {
"ENGINE": "db_pool.db.backends.mysql",
"NAME": "xxx",
"USER": "xxx",
"PASSWORD": "xxx",
"HOST": "mysql",
"PORT": "3306",
"CHARSET": "utf8",
"COLLATION": "utf8_bin",
"POOL": {
"mincached": 5,
"maxcached ": 500,
mincached: initial number of idle connections in the pool
(0 means no connections are made at startup)
maxcached: maximum number of idle connections in the pool
(0 or None means unlimited pool size)
maxshared: maximum number of shared connections
(0 or None means all connections are dedicated)
When this maximum number is reached, connections are
shared if they have been requested as shareable.
maxconnections: maximum number of connections generally allowed
(0 or None means an arbitrary number of connections)
blocking: determines behavior when exceeding the maximum
(if this is set to true, block and wait until the number of
connections decreases, otherwise an error will be reported)
maxusage: maximum number of reuses of a single connection
(0 or None means unlimited reuse)
When this maximum usage number of the connection is reached,
the connection is automatically reset (closed and reopened).
setsession: optional list of SQL commands that may serve to prepare
the session, e.g. ["set datestyle to ...", "set time zone ..."]
reset: how connections should be reset when returned to the pool
(False or None to rollback transcations started with begin(),
True to always issue a rollback for safety's sake)
failures: an optional exception class or a tuple of exception classes
for which the connection failover mechanism shall be applied,
if the default (OperationalError, InternalError) is not adequate
ping: determines when the connection should be checked with ping()
(0 = None = never, 1 = default = whenever fetched from the pool,
2 = when a cursor is created, 4 = when a query is executed,
7 = always, and all other bit combinations of these values)