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IVF Success Predictor

This project was developed to create a machine learning model that predicts the success of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatments based on historical patient data. With infertility affecting millions worldwide, the need for personalized and accurate treatment predictions is addressed through data-driven insights. The project aims to assist Hope Fertility Clinic in enhancing treatment success rates, optimizing patient care, and providing tailored recommendations.

A comprehensive analysis of IVF treatment data was conducted to explore key factors influencing outcomes. A classification model was built to predict the likelihood of successful treatments. Additionally, detailed data visualizations and an interactive dashboard were created to provide clinicians with valuable insights, enabling informed decision-making in real-time.

The project’s ultimate goal is to provide healthcare professionals with a robust tool that not only predicts treatment outcomes but also helps refine treatment strategies, improve patient satisfaction, and maximize success rates.

The deployed project can be accessed here

Table of contents

Dataset Content

The dataset was retrieved from the Human Fertilization and Emblriology Authority - HFEA website.

The dataset includes information collected during fertility treatment cycles about patient and partner characteristics, treatment details, infertility causes, and outcomes related to pregnancy and live births.

The variables are summarized on the table below, where each row represents a specific variable relevant to fertility treatment cycles and the type of data and Description according to the HEFA's Guide to anonymised register.

Field Data Type Description
Patient Age at Treatment Text Patient’s age at treatment, banded as follows: 18-34, 35-37, 38-39, 40-42, 43-44, 45-50
Total Number of Previous IVF Cycles Number How many treatment cycles of IVF the patient has previously had
Total Number of Previous DI Cycles Number How many treatment cycles of DI the patient has previously had
Total Number of Previous Pregnancies - IVF and DI Number How many times the patient has previously been pregnant through IVF and DI
Total Number of Previous Live Births - IVF or DI Number How many live births the patient has had through IVF or DI
Causes of Infertility - Tubal Disease Bit 1 if the primary cause of infertility is as detailed, 0 otherwise
Causes of Infertility - Ovulatory Disorder Bit 1 if the primary cause of infertility is as detailed, 0 otherwise
Causes of Infertility - Male Factor Bit 1 if the primary cause of infertility is as detailed, 0 otherwise
Causes of Infertility - Patient Unexplained Bit 1 if the primary cause of infertility is as detailed, 0 otherwise
Causes of Infertility - Endometriosis Bit 1 if the primary cause of infertility is as detailed, 0 otherwise
Main Reason for Producing Embryos Storing Eggs Text A comma separated list of the main reasons for this cycle which can include: Treatment Now, For Donation, For Storing Eggs, For Research
Stimulation Used Bit 1 if this was a stimulated cycle, 0 otherwise
Egg Donor Age at Registration Text If donor eggs were used, the donor's age at registration banded as follows: <=20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35
Sperm Donor Age at Registration Text If donor sperm was used, the donor's age at registration banded as follows: <=20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40, 41-45, >45
Donated Embryo Bit 1 if this cycle used a donated embryo, 0 otherwise
Type of Treatment - IVF or DI Text IVF or DI
Specific Treatment Type Text A comma separated list of specific treatment types used in this cycle
PGT-M Treatment Bit 1 if this cycle involved the use of preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disorders (formerly PGD), 0 otherwise
PGT-A Treatment Bit 1 if this cycle involved the use of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (formerly PGS), 0 otherwise
Elective Single Embryo Transfer Bit 1 if this cycle involved the deliberate use of only one embryo, 0 otherwise
Egg Source Text Indicates whether the eggs used in this cycle came from the patient (P) or a donor (D)
Sperm Source Text Indicates whether the sperm used in this cycle came from the patient (P) or a donor (D)
Fresh Cycle Bit 1 if this cycle used fresh embryos, 0 otherwise
Frozen Cycle Bit 1 if this cycle used frozen embryos, 0 otherwise
Eggs Thawed (0/1) Number If this cycle used frozen eggs, the number of eggs thawed
Fresh Eggs Collected Text Number of eggs collected in this cycle, banded into 5 categories for identifiability
Fresh Eggs Stored (0/1) Number The number of eggs collected in this cycle and subsequently frozen
Total Eggs Mixed Text Number of eggs mixed with sperm in this cycle, banded into 5 categories for identifiability
Total Embryos Created Text Number of embryos created in this cycle, banded into 5 categories for identifiability
Embryos Transferred Number The number of embryos transferred into the patient in this cycle
Total Embryos Thawed Text Number of embryos thawed in this cycle, banded into 5 categories for identifiability
Embryos Transferred from Eggs Micro-injected Number The number of embryos transferred into the patient in this cycle that were created using ICSI
Embryos Stored for Use by Patient Text Number of embryos created and stored for future use by the patient, banded into 5 categories for identifiability
Date of Embryo Transfer Number The number of days between embryo transfer and the first date provided in the series: egg collection date; egg thaw date; egg mix date; embryo thaw date; embryo transfer date
Year of Treatment Number The year in which this cycle took place
Live Birth Occurrence Bit 1 if there were 1 or more live births as a result of this cycle, 0 otherwise
Number of Live Births Number The number of live births as a result of this cycle
Early Outcome Text A comma separated list of the results of a patient scan
Number of Foetal Sacs with Fetal Pulsation Number If foetal sacs were present in the scan, the number of sacs that evidenced foetal pulsation
Heart One Weeks Gestation Number The number of weeks of gestation for this foetal heart: banded for less than 30 weeks or greater than 40 weeks
Heart One Birth Outcome Text Comma separated list of the outcome of this pregnancy: Embryo reduction; live birth; miscarriage; still birth; termination
Heart One Birth Weight Text Banded birthweight of this child: Less than 1kg; Between 1.5kg and 1.99Kg; Between 1kg and 1.49Kg; Between 2.0kg and 2.49Kg; Between 2.5kg and 2.99Kg; Between 3.0kg and 3.49Kg; Between 3.5kg and 3.99Kg; Between 4.0kg and 4.49Kg; Between 4.5kg and 4.99Kg; Between 5.0kg and 5.49Kg; Between 5.5kg and 5.99Kg; 6kg or greater
Heart One Sex Text The sex of the child: Male (M), Female (F)
Heart One Delivery Date Number Year the child was delivered
Heart One Birth Congenital Abnormalities Bit 1 if a congenital abnormality was recorded, 0 otherwise
Heart Two Weeks Gestation Number The number of weeks of gestation for this foetal heart: banded for less than 30 weeks or greater than 40 weeks
Heart Two Birth Outcome Text Comma separated list of the outcome of this pregnancy: Embryo reduction; live birth; miscarriage; still birth; termination
Heart Two Birth Weight Text Banded birthweight of this child: Less than 1kg; Between 1.5kg and 1.99Kg; Between 1kg and 1.49Kg; Between 2.0kg and 2.49Kg; Between 2.5kg and 2.99Kg; Between 3.0kg and 3.49Kg; Between 3.5kg and 3.99Kg; Between 4.0kg and 4.49Kg; Between 4.5kg and 4.99Kg; Between 5.0kg and 5.49Kg; Between 5.5kg and 5.99Kg; 6kg or greater
Heart Two Sex Text The sex of the child: Male (M), Female (F)
Heart Two Delivery Date Number Year the child was delivered
Heart Two Birth Congenital Abnormalities Bit 1 if a congenital abnormality was recorded, 0 otherwise
Heart Three Weeks Gestation Number The number of weeks of gestation for this foetal heart: banded for less than 30 weeks or greater than 40 weeks
Heart Three Birth Outcome Text Comma separated list of the outcome of this pregnancy: Embryo reduction; live birth; miscarriage; still birth; termination
Heart Three Birth Weight Text Banded birthweight of this child: Less than 1kg; Between 1.5kg and 1.99Kg; Between 1kg and 1.49Kg; Between 2.0kg and 2.49Kg; Between 2.5kg and 2.99Kg; Between 3.0kg and 3.49Kg; Between 3.5kg and 3.99Kg; Between 4.0kg and 4.49Kg; Between 4.5kg and 4.99Kg; Between 5.0kg and 5.49Kg; Between 5.5kg and 5.99Kg; 6kg or greater
Heart Three Sex Text The sex of the child: Male (M), Female (F)
Heart Three Delivery Date Number Year the child was delivered
Heart Three Birth Congenital Abnormalities Bit 1 if a congenital abnormality was recorded, 0 otherwise
Patient Ethnicity Text Information on patient ethnicity has been included
Partner Ethnicity Text Information on partner ethnicity has been included
Partner Type Text Information on partner types has been included (i.e., Male partner, female partner, no partner, surrogate)
Partner Age Text Banded partner age information has been added where available

Project Terms & Jargon

  • IVF(In Vitro Fertilization) is a medical procedure where an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body, with the resulting embryo being implanted into the uterus.

  • Embryo is the early developmental stage formed after an egg is fertilized by sperm, before implantation in the uterus.

  • A patient is an individual undergoing IVF fertility treatment.

  • Number of Previous IVF/DI Cycles: The total number of IVF or donor insemination cycles the patient has previously undergone.

  • Elective Single Embryo Transfer (eSET) is a process where only one embryo is selected for transfer to reduce the risk of multiple pregnancies.

  • Specific Treatment Type is the exact fertility treatment protocol used, such as ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection), FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer), or standard IVF.

  • Ovarian Stimulation is a process where medication is used to induce the ovaries to produce multiple eggs in a single cycle.

  • Fresh vs. Frozen Cycle: A fresh cycle refers to the use of embryos from the current stimulation cycle, while a frozen cycle uses embryos that were frozen from a previous cycle.

  • PGT-M and PGT-A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing): Genetic tests performed on embryos to identify genetic abnormalities before transfer. PGT-M is for monogenic disorders, and PGT-A is for aneuploidy (chromosome abnormalities).

  • Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, potentially affecting fertility.

  • Sperm Quality are attributes of sperm, including count, motility, and morphology, that affect the likelihood of successful fertilization.

  • Live Birth Occurrence is the successful delivery of a living baby following an IVF cycle.

Business Requirements

Dr. Emily Davis, chief fertility specialist at Hope Fertility Clinic, has observed varying IVF success rates among patients due to numerous factors. She aims to identify key predictors of IVF success to optimize treatment plans and improve patient outcomes. Dr. Davis seeks to understand how patient attributes and treatment variables correlate with IVF success, focusing on the most impactful factors.

She is particularly interested in:

  • Predicting success rates for new patients based on their profiles, using a predictive model for more accurate estimations and personalized treatments.

To support her team, Dr. Davis requests

  • Detailed data visualizations to illustrate key variable relationships and an interactive dashboard for exploring data and making real-time predictions.

Hypotheses and Validation Methods

  1. Patient age has a direct impact on the success rate of IVF treatments.

  2. Elective single embryo transfer (eSET) reduces the likelihood of multiple pregnancies without significantly lowering the overall success rate.

  3. Patients with a history of endometriosis have lower IVF success rates compared to those without endometriosis.

  4. The age of the semen provider does not influence the success rate of IVF treatments.

All hypotheses will be investigated using correlation studies and graphical evaluation.

The rationale to map the business requirements to the Data Visualizations and ML tasks

  • Business Requirement 1: Classification and Data Analysis

    • A binary classifier will be developed to predict the success of IVF treatments.
  • Business Requirement 2: Data Visualization and Correlation Study

    • Correlation analysis (Pearson and Spearman) will be conducted to understand how the variables correlate with successful treatments. The main variables will be plotted against "Live birth occurrence" to provide visual insights.

A dashboard will be developed to allow users to visualize the data and interact with the classifier through a user-friendly interface.

ML Business Case

Predicting IVF Treatment Success

Classification Model

  • A machine learning (ML) model was developed to predict the success of IVF treatments based on historical data. The target variable is categorical with two classes, making a binary classification model the appropriate choice. This supervised 2-class, single-label classification model outputs: 0 (no success) or 1 (success).

  • The goal is to provide Hope Fertility Clinic with actionable insights to optimize treatment outcomes by selecting the best combination of features.

  • Model Success Metrics and Rationale:

    • Accuracy (≥ 70%):

      • Accuracy provides a general overview of the model’s performance, indicating how often the model correctly predicts treatment outcomes. A threshold of 70% was set to ensure the model’s predictions are significantly better than random guessing (50%). This level of accuracy is considered a baseline for the model to be deemed reliable and actionable in clinical use.
    • Recall for "No Success" (≥ 70%) on Training and Test Sets:

      • High recall for "No Success" minimizes the risk of false negatives—cases where the model incorrectly predicts success when the outcome is actually no success. This is critical in a clinical setting to prevent misplaced optimism and ensure appropriate adjustments to treatment plans. A threshold of 70% ensures that most unsuccessful treatments are identified, allowing for better management of patient expectations.
    • Precision for "Success" (≥ 70%):

      • High precision reduces false positives, where the model predicts success, but the treatment fails. In the context of IVF, this helps to prevent unnecessary costs, patient stress, and inappropriate adjustments to treatment protocols. A precision threshold of 70% ensures that when the model predicts success, it does so with a reasonable level of confidence, enhancing the trustworthiness of the predictions.
    • F1 Score (≥ 70%):

      • The F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, balancing the trade-off between false positives and false negatives. The F1 score is particularly valuable when dealing with imbalanced classes, as is common in medical data. A minimum threshold of 70% ensures that the model maintains a balanced performance between detecting successes and failures, making the model both accurate and clinically meaningful.

These metrics ensure that the model not only performs well statistically but also provides meaningful and actionable insights for clinical decision-making at Hope Fertility Clinic. By focusing on these performance indicators, the model aims to support better treatment planning and patient management, ultimately leading to improved IVF outcomes.

  • Training Data:

    • The model was trained using data from the HEFA website for the years 2017-2018, containing approximately 150,000 records of IVF treatments.
  • Training Data Details:

    • Target: Live birth occurrence;
    • Features: All relevant variables from the dataset.
    • During the data cleaning process, the following irrelevant variables were excluded:
      • 'Total number of previous DI cycles',
      • 'Main reason for producing embroys storing eggs',
      • 'Type of treatment - IVF or DI',
      • 'Donated embryo',
      • 'Eggs thawed (0/1)',
      • 'Year of treatment',
      • 'Number of live births',
      • 'Embryos stored for use by patient',
      • 'Fresh eggs stored (0/1)',
      • 'Heart three birth congenital abnormalities',
      • 'Heart two birth congenital abnormalities',
      • 'Heart three delivery date',
      • 'Heart three sex',
      • 'Heart three birth weight',
      • 'Heart three weeks gestation',
      • 'Heart three birth outcome',
      • 'Heart one birth congenital abnormalities',
      • 'Heart two birth weight',
      • 'Heart two delivery date',
      • 'Heart two sex',
      • 'Heart two weeks gestation',
      • 'Heart two birth outcome',
      • 'Heart one birth weight',
      • 'Heart one weeks gestation',
      • 'Heart one delivery date',
      • 'Heart one sex',
      • 'Heart one birth outcome',
      • 'Number of foetal sacs with fetal pulsation',
      • 'Early outcome',
      • 'Partner ethnicity',
      • 'Partner Type'

Dashboard Design

Page 1: Quick Project Summary

This section of the dashboard provides a concise overview of the project's objectives, functionalities, and relevant terminology related to IVF treatments.

Page 2: Exploratory Analysis of IVF Treatment Data Page

This page provides an interactive dashboard for exploring IVF treatment data to identify key factors associated with treatment success at Hope Fertility Clinic.

The dashboard includes data visualizations to highlight relationships between clinical variables and IVF outcomes, assisting in data-driven decision-making.

Introduction and Data Inspection:

  • The page introduces users to the exploratory analysis, highlighting its importance in understanding factors influencing IVF success rates.
  • Users can inspect the dataset, which contains various clinical variables, by selecting an option to view the first 10 rows of data.

Correlation Study Summary:

  • The results of a correlation study is presented, showing how different variables are associated with successful treatment outcomes.

Data Visualization Options:

  • Users can select from various clinical variables to explore through visualizations such as count distributions and pie charts.
  • A special "Parallel Plot" option allows visualization of complex relationships between multiple factors and treatment outcomes.

Page 3: Prospect IVF Success Predictor

Page 4: Project Hypothesis and Validation

This page explores the hypotheses regarding factors influencing IVF treatment success rates, using data analysis and visualization to validate or refute each hypothesis.

Page 5: Predict Treatment Success

  • Considerations and conclusions after the pipeline is trained
  • Present ML pipeline steps
  • Feature importance
  • Pipeline performance

Unfixed Bugs

  • No unfixed bugs



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Main Data Analysis and Machine Learning Libraries

  • Here you should list the libraries you used in the project and provide an example(s) of how you used these libraries.


  • In this section, you need to reference where you got your content, media and extra help from. It is common practice to use code from other repositories and tutorials, however, it is important to be very specific about these sources to avoid plagiarism.
  • You can break the credits section up into Content and Media, depending on what you have included in your project.


  • The Business Case is ficticious and was created with the help from AI, more specifically OpenAI ChatGPT.


Acknowledgements (optional)

  • Thank the people that provided support through this project.


Project Portfolio 5 - Predictive Analytics for Code Institute






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