Introduce Async Standalone Server
Add all() method to repository
Introduce Cache Port into Protean
Introduce View elements into Protean
Add support for add_* and remove_* methods for HasMany relationships
Enhance Entity.to_dict() to output fully-formed JSON
Fix HasOne issue with updating an item
Fix HasMany issue with updating items within UnitOfWork
Refactor ContainerMeta class to be generic for all elements
Introduce Makefile with useful test/development commands
Remove order_by from EntityMeta options
Validate for Repository's database meta value
Make ValueObject's aggregate linkage optional
Allow specifying associations with simple Class Names (instead of FQDNs)
Refactor field class and remove unnecessary attributes (value, label)
Validate for unique values on saving Entities
Introduce Docker Compose for all services
Upgrade SQLAlchemy to support >=1.4.9
Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.13.0
Support case-insensitive match in Elasticsearch
Ensure compatibility from 3.7 to 3.10
Migrate to Github Actions from Travis
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