It automates the setup and configuration of the software I use for development on Ubuntu & Darwin distributions using ansible!
- Installs packages.
- Sets up my dotfiles.
- Super-custom git config
- Sets up Oh My Zsh with the Spaceship ZSH theme.
- Sets up my zshrc file.
- Installs SpaceVim
- Configures tmux with the Oh My Tmux configuration.
- Installs proper fonts.
Install Ansible and git:
make bootstrap
Clone this repo and cd inside it:
git clone ~/.dotfiles && cd ~/.dotfiles
Install the required Ansible roles:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Adapt accordingly the config file.
Run it:
ansible-playbook -i inventory main.yml -b -K --skip-tags user
make docker-test
, it requires docker!
- To update this repo, run:
make repo-update
- Check the Unofficial guide to dotfiles for more ideas!
- With regard to terminal:
- On Darwin, the Material Design theme on iTerm is pretty cool.
- On GNU/Linux, check Gogh!
- Starship terminal is maybe worth exploring!
- Last but not least, the Hack font is pretty awesome!