A simple publish-subscribe messaging system built using the tetra-meta library.
The main interface for the library is the MessageManager class.
Creating a MessageManager is easy:
MessageManager messageManager{};
From here, adding a mesage handler is super easy:
Widget widget{};
messageManager.registerHandler( widget, &Widget::onMessage );
This adds the Widget::onMessage method as a message handler.
But wait, you ask, what message will this be handling? Well, that depends on the signature of the Widget::onMessage class. Here is an example:
struct Message
Message() = default;
Message( string name, int data );
string name;
int data;
class Widget
void onMessage( const Message& msg )
cout << name << ": " << data << endl;
In this case, the onMessage method will, when registered, automatically be set up to handle Message objects when they are published.
Publishing messages is simple:
messageManager.queueMessage( Message{"test message", 5} );
// publish all queued messages to be handled
This would result in output like this:
test message: 5
Finally, when your message-handling object (widget in our case) is ready to be destroyed, then you need to deregister the handler.
messageManager.deregisterMessage( widget, &Widget::onMessage );