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Wish List for Future Versions

Alan Estrada edited this page Aug 21, 2019 · 1 revision

Currently, the plugin only supports basic tasks, and each one has to be defined independently. The plugin doesn't conform to gradle's 'conformance'.

What I'd like to see the plugin automatically build and test abl code when the ABL gradle plugin is applied. the plugin would automatically create tasks that hook into the standard build, test, and package steps and contribute standard functionality. For example, when the 'java' plugin is applied in a gradle build the java code is assumed to live in 'src/main/java' and this generates to the build directory a set of java compiled classes. The same behavior should apply to an ABL project: when the ABL gradle plugin is applied to a project, then the ABL code should be assumed to live in /src/main/abl' and should generate .r code in to the appropriate build directory by default. overrides of course would be provided to control build options, but the standards should be sane and follow gradle conventions.