Simple Acorn Atom emulator running on the Raspbery Pi Pico.
Using an ILI9341 display, SD card and PS/2 keyboard.
Connections :
Pico pin | Purpose | Purpose | Pico pin |
1 | Serial Tx for debug | 40 | |
2 | Serial Rx for debug | 5V output to PS/2 (and level shifter) | 39 |
3 | Serial GND | GND | 38 |
4 | Display SCK | 37 | |
5 | Display MOSI | 3.3V output to Level shifter, Display and SD card | 36 |
6 | Display MISO | 35 | |
7 | Display CS | 34 | |
8 | GND | GND | 33 |
9 | Display CD (Command/Data) | 32 | |
10 | Display reset | 31 | |
11 | PS/2 Clock NOTE Via 5.0V <-> 3.3V level shifter | 30 | |
12 | PS/2 Data NOTE Via 5.0V <-> 3.3V level shifter | 29 | |
13 | GND | GND | 28 |
14 | SD SCK | 27 | |
15 | SD MOSI | 26 | |
16 | SD MISO | 25 | |
17 | SD CS | 24 | |
18 | GND | GND | 23 |
19 | Speaker out | 22 | |
20 | 21 |
All pins not explicitly specified are no connection.
It is suggested that a bidirectional level shifter is used between the PS/2 keyboard and the Pico. This allows the Pico to send commands to the keyboard such as toggling LEDs etc.