** Initial commits
This is a sample project bharat added this This change via branch. (Branch Name: branch_bharat)
This changes are made by rimjhim (Branch Nae: rimjhimdev) This change via Branch. (Branch Name:kepler_branch_aajna) This change via Branch. (Branch Name:kepler_branch_spoorthi)
Change via Branch shruthi_dev.
Edit done by prashant. i This is an edit made by Shantanu Vashishtha i This is changed via branch by Chethan. (Branch Name: kepler_branch_chethan) This is secong changes-rimjhim_dev_branch
This change via branch. (branch Name:prashant_dev)
READme section for bluetooth application
// Running the android application on android device. -> Go to android_source_code folder. -> Then go to CMPE243 folder. -> Then Kasper-master-2. -> Then go to app folder. -> Then build folder. -> Then Outputs. -> Then apk folder and inside that there will be an 81
-> First screen has "TURN ON" and "TURN O
FF" buttons that will turn on/off the bluetooth for android phone.
-> "Find Devices" button is used to find available bluetooth devices and list them under the "Available Devices" head ing. The items in the list are clickable.
-> "List Devices" button is used to get info rmation about already paired devices.
-> "Get Visible" button is used to make the android phone visible to other bluetooth devices.
// SCREEN-2 description -> When an item in the "Available Devices" list is clicked, application moves to the second screen. -> This screen has three buttons initially: START CAR, SEND, STOP CAR -> START CAR button: This button will send signal to start the car. -> STOP CAR button : This button will send signal to stop the car. -> SEND button : This button is initially added to debug communication functionality between android phone and the bluetooth module.
Readme section for GPS module
Readme section for Bridge controller
Readme section for Master controller
Readme section for Sensor controller
Readme section for Motor/IO controller