1. Install all the required libraries by running the program install.py(Before running install.py run the following command on your terminal sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev
2. You can find the chromedriver in the same repository or you can download it at this link https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html?path=79.0.3945.36/.
3. Ensure that the chrome driver is in both usr/local/bin and usr/bin directories. You can do it by running sudo cp chromedriver usr/local/bin
and sudo cp chromedriver usr/bin
in the directory in which chromedriver is present. If that doesn't work please refer to this link https://askubuntu.com/questions/24952/how-to-copy-files-into-usr-local-permission-denied.
####PS: Please make sure your gmail has access to less secure apps on if you want to send a mail using heisenberg.