- NRM Fider
OpenShift templates for customized image of Fider, used within Natural Resources Ministries and ready for deployment on OpenShift. Fider is an open-source Go application with a PostgreSQL relational database for persistent data.
BC Gov's SMTP configuration does not support SMTPS, but Fider's SMTP Go library enforces smtps, so we have forked the code and removed the SMTPS authn from our deployment. This means that this image can ONLY be deployed within the BC Gov network, as only devices on the BC Gov network can see the standard BC Gov SMTP Server.
Network Security Policies are in place; Aporeto is no longer supported on OCP, so see https://developer.gov.bc.ca/Openshift-Useful-Pro-Tips
For builds:
- Administrator access to an Openshift Project namespace
Once built, this image may be deployed to a separate namespace with the appropriate system:image-puller
For deployments:
- Administrator access to an Openshift Project namespace
- the oc CLI tool, installed on your local workstation
- access to this public GitHub Repo
Once deployed, any visitors to the site will require a modern web browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, FF, Opera etc.).
- OpenShift Fider app template for Fider application
- OpenShift Database service template for PostgreSQL Database, acting as the datastore for the Fider application
To create an image stream using this forked code (replace <tools-namespace>
with your -tools
project namespace).
oc -n <tools-namespace> create istag fider-bcgov:latest
oc -n <tools-namespace> process -f ci/openshift/fider-bcgov.bc.yaml | oc -n <tools-namespace> apply -f -
oc -n <tools-namespace> start-build nrm-feedback
Tag with the correct release version, matching the major.minor
release tag at the source repo. For example:
oc -n <tools-namespace> tag fider-bcgov:latest fider-bcgov:0.18.0
NOTE: To update our Fider image, we would update the submodule (e.g. 0.19.0
) and then tag this build as latest
, and plan for a re-deploy using the newer image.
git submodule update --init --recursive
If and when we solve the SMTPS issue, we should build directly off the Fider image, referencing https://github.com/getfider/fider
in the deployment, and no longer use custom builds.
Deploy the DB using the correct FEEDBACK_NAME parameter (e.g. an acronym that is prefixed to fider
oc -n <project> new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p FEEDBACK_NAME=<feedback>
All DB deployments are based on the out-of-the-box OpenShift Database Image.
Although Fider is setup to auto-install upon deployment, the OpenShift DB template disallows the application account to install DB extensions. Therefore, run the the following via oc rsh
, with the correct FEEDBACK_NAME and credentials:
oc -n <project> rsh $(oc -n <project> get pods | grep -v -e "-postgresql.*-deploy" | grep Running | awk '{print $1}')
text is exactly as written, since the app has access to these environment variables (set during the new-app
step above).
Deploy the Application specifying:
- the feedback-specific parameter (i.e.
) - your project namespace that contains the image, and
- a
email account that will be used with theapps.smtp.gov.bc.ca
SMTP Email Server:
oc -n <project> new-app --file=./ci/openshift/fider-bcgov.dc.yaml -p FEEDBACK_NAME=<feedback>fider -p IS_NAMESPACE=<tools-namespace> -p EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME=<Email.Address>@gov.bc.ca
After sixty seconds, the application will have finished the initial install. Open the app in a browser, to set the admin user. The URL will be of the form https://<xyz>fider.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/
As a concrete example of a feedback initiative with the acronym acme
, deployed in the project namespace 599f0a-dev
, here are the steps:
Deployment Steps
oc -n 599f0a-dev new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p FEEDBACK_NAME=acmefider
--> Deploying template "599f0a-dev/nrmfeedback-postgresql-dc" for "./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml" to project 599f0a-dev
A new PostgreSQL application has been created in your project
* With parameters:
* Feedback Name=acmefider
* Memory Limit=512Mi
* PostgreSQL Connection Password=kTl3UhrB5cFI5hF4 # generated
* Database Volume Capacity=2Gi
--> Creating resources ...
secret "acmefider-postgresql" created
persistentvolumeclaim "acmefider-postgresql" created
deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "acmefider-postgresql" created
service "acmefider-postgresql" created
--> Success
Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
'oc expose svc/acmefider-postgresql'
Run 'oc status' to view your app.
After thirty seconds, the database pod should be up.
oc -n 599f0a-dev rsh $(oc -n 599f0a-dev get pods | grep -v -e "acmefider-postgresql.*-deploy" | grep Running | awk '{print $1}')
Run the install commands in this shell:
Type exit
to exit the remote shell.
oc -n 599f0a-dev new-app --file=./ci/openshift/fider-bcgov.dc.yaml -p FEEDBACK_NAME=acmefider -p IS_NAMESPACE=599f0a-tools EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME=[email protected]
--> Deploying template "599f0a-dev/nrmf-feedback-dc" for "./ci/openshift/fider-bcgov.dc.yaml" to project 599f0a-dev
A new Fider application, customized with noTLS, has been created in your project
* With parameters:
* Namespace=599f0a-tools
* Image Stream=fider-bcgov
* Version of Fider Product Feedback=0.18.0
* Feedback Product Name=acmefider
* Fider Go Environment=production
* Fider application logging level=INFO
* Fider Go Environment=TywM6VICeJ2J0jgmyn4gwS0F7km3f5sq # generated
* SMTP Host=apps.smtp.gov.bc.ca
* SMTP Port=25
* SMTP [email protected]
* SMTP No-Reply [email protected]
* Google SoMe AppID=
* Google SoMe Secret=
* FaceBook SoMe AppID=
* FaceBook SoMe Secret=
* GitHub SoMe AppID=
* GitHub SoMe Secret=
* CPU_LIMIT=500m
--> Creating resources ...
secret "acmefider-jwt" created
deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "acmefider-app" created
service "acmefider" created
route.route.openshift.io "acmefider" created
--> Success
Access your application via route 'acmefider.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca'
Run 'oc status' to view your app.
After sixty seconds, the application will be ready to accept connections at https://acmefider.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca. Initially, this redirect you to https://acmefider.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/signup, bringing you the screen:
Once you've confirmed the setup detail, you'll be sent a confirmation email, and you'll have to click the embedded link:
As this is a template deployment, it may be easier to set environment variable for the deployment, so using the same PROJECT of 599f0a-dev
and a new FEEDBACK project of eao
Deployment Steps
On a workstation logged into the OpenShift Console:
export TOOLS=599f0a-tools
export PROJECT=599f0a-dev
export FEEDBACK=eao
On Windows the commands to set environment variables would instead be:
set TOOLS=599f0a-tools
set PROJECT=599f0a-dev
set FEEDBACK=eao
If running commands in a Windows environment (and not in the openshift terminal), environment variables are formatted as %ENV_NAME% instead of <ENV_NAME> or ${ENV_NAME}. Commands in these instructions may need to be adapted for Windows.
oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p FEEDBACK_NAME=${FEEDBACK}fider
--> Deploying template "599f0a-dev/nrmfeedback-postgresql-dc" for "./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml" to project 599f0a-dev
A new PostgreSQL application has been created in your project
* With parameters:
* Feedback Name=eaofider
* Memory Limit=512Mi
* PostgreSQL Connection Password=yOmOOBMbY8k3aHiy # generated
* Database Volume Capacity=2Gi
--> Creating resources ...
secret "eaofider-postgresql" created
persistentvolumeclaim "eaofider-postgresql" created
deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "eaofider-postgresql" created
service "eaofider-postgresql" created
--> Success
Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
'oc expose svc/eaofider-postgresql'
Run 'oc status' to view your app.
After thirty seconds, the database pod should be up.
oc -n ${PROJECT} rsh $(oc -n ${PROJECT} get pods | grep -v -e "${FEEDBACK}fider-postgresql-.-deploy" | grep Running | grep ${FEEDBACK}fider | awk '{print $1}')
On the shell, enter:
oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/fider-bcgov.dc.yaml -p FEEDBACK_NAME=${FEEDBACK}fider -p IS_NAMESPACE=${TOOLS} -p [email protected]
--> Deploying template "599f0a-dev/nrmf-feedback-dc" for "./ci/openshift/fider-bcgov.dc.yaml" to project 599f0a-dev
A new Fider application, customized with noTLS, has been created in your project
* With parameters:
* Namespace=599f0a-tools
* Image Stream=fider-bcgov
* Version of Fider Product Feedback=0.19.1
* Feedback Product Name=gwfider
* Fider Go Environment=production
* Fider application logging level=ERROR
* Fider Go Environment=ivbfbDFjYyK7omNoVllbvJbhyiHwJd1R # generated
* SMTP Host=apps.smtp.gov.bc.ca
* SMTP Port=25
* SMTP [email protected]
* SMTP No-Reply [email protected]
* Google SoMe AppID=
* Google SoMe Secret=
* FaceBook SoMe AppID=
* FaceBook SoMe Secret=
* GitHub SoMe AppID=
* GitHub SoMe Secret=
* CPU_LIMIT=500m
--> Creating resources ...
secret "gwfider-jwt" created
deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "gwfider-app" created
horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling "gwfider" created
service "gwfider" created
route.route.openshift.io "gwfider" created
--> Success
Access your application via route 'gwfider.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca'
Run 'oc status' to view your app.
After sixty seconds, you may navigate to the setup page at: https://iitdfider.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/signup
Once you've confirmed the setup detail, you'll be sent a confirmation email like this, and you'll have to click the link:
When finished, remember to unset the environment variables:
After requesting access via https://github.com/BCDevOps/devops-requests, use the GUI to navigate to:
Administration -> Site Settings
Authentication -> Add New
Client ID : dds-portfolio
Client Secret : <xxxxx>-<xxxx>-<xxxx>-<xxxx>-<xxxxx>
Authorize URL : https://dev.oidc.gov.bc.ca/auth/realms/onestopauth-basic/protocol/openid-connect/auth
Token URL : https://dev.oidc.gov.bc.ca/auth/realms/onestopauth-basic/protocol/openid-connect/token
Scope: openid, email, address, phone, roles
Profile API URL: (empty)
ID: sub
Name: name
Email: email
- To login into the database, open the DB pod terminal (via OpenShift Console or oc rsh) and enter:
to clean-up database deployments:
To re-deploy just the database, first idle the database service and then delete the deployed objects from the last run, with the correct FEEDBACK_NAME, such as:
oc -n <project> idle <feedback>fider-postgresql oc -n <project> delete secret/<feedback>fider-postgresql svc/<feedback>fider-postgresql pvc/<feedback>fider-postgresql dc/<feedback>fider-postgresql
NOTE: This resets the persistent database, so you will lose all your Fider data. If you wish to only redeploy the DB runtime but not reset the data, then omit the
object from the above command.or if using environment variables:
oc -n ${PROJECT} idle ${FEEDBACK}fider-postgresql
oc -n ${PROJECT} delete secret/${FEEDBACK}fider-postgresql svc/${FEEDBACK}fider-postgresql pvc/${FEEDBACK}fider-postgresql dc/${FEEDBACK}fider-postgresql
- to clean-up application deployments:
oc -n <project> delete dc/<feedback>fider-app svc/<feedback>fider route/<feedback>fider secret/<feedback>fider-jwt hpa/<feedback>fider-app
Or if using environment variables:
oc -n ${PROJECT} delete dc/${FEEDBACK}fider-app svc/${FEEDBACK}fider route/${FEEDBACK}fider secret/${FEEDBACK}fider-jwt hpa/${FEEDBACK}fider-app
to reset all deployed objects (this will destroy all data and persistent volumes). Only do this on a botched initial install or if you have the DB backed up and ready to restore into the new wiped database.
oc -n <project> delete all,secret,pvc,hpa -l app=<feedback>fider
or if using environment variables:
oc -n ${PROJECT} delete all,secret,pvc,hpa -l app=${FEEDBACK}fider
- Git SubModule was created via:
git submodule add https://github.com/getfider/fider
NOTE: In hindsight, we should've explicitly tracked the master branch
> git submodule add -b master https://github.com/getfider/fider
- To update this LimeSurvey git submodule from the upstream repo, from root of repo:
git submodule update --remote
This is an example when updating from v19.0 to v19.1
First check status of the submodle
~/p/nrm-feedback ❯❯❯ git submodule status
-74ac88ed1f6dfac1a3adfb93eb9c8c325f0018a8 fider
~/p/nrm-feedback ❯❯❯ more .gitmodules
[submodule "fider"]
path = fider
url = https://github.com/getfider/fider
branch = main
~/p/nrm-feedback ❯❯❯ git submodule update --remote --merge
NOTE: Git Submodule update instructions above are yet to be 100% confirmed. TODO - confirm instructions work as advertise above
NOTE: Fider often updates the fider\Dockerfile
so be sure to integrate the changes to .\Dockerfile.openshift
and .\Dockerfile.dev
For the former, be sure to change:
COPY . .
COPY fider .
- document KeyCloak integration
- check for image triggers which force a reploy (image tags.. latest -> v0.19.0)
- health checks for application containers
- appropriate resource limits (multi-replica pods supported)
- created fider-bcgov.bc.json file
- integrated with apps.smtp.gov.bc.ca:25 without TLS (e.g. x509 error due to vwall.gov.bc.ca on cert)
- health checks for each of the database container
- convert ci/openshift/_.json to _.yaml
- tested DB backup/restore and transfer with Backup-Containers
- tested
git submodule update
- When configured with apps.smtp.gov.bc.ca
ERROR [2019-11-30T02:54:11Z] [WEB] [6N0EEiyyCVMpNWxD3w9N7J6XjVnlFT6Y] Error Trace:
- app/handlers/apiv1/invite.go:31
- failed to send email with template invite_email (app/pkg/email/smtp/smtp.go:104)
- x509: certificate is valid for vwall.gov.bc.ca, www.vwall.gov.bc.ca, not apps.smtp.gov.bc.ca
- When using straight non-TLS STMP connection
ERROR [2019-11-30T03:17:59Z] [WEB] [7g7GXPSR57065JvQYioR9nvj7Z7Zy0pJ] Error Trace:
- app/handlers/apiv1/invite.go:31
- failed to send email with template invite_email (app/pkg/email/smtp/smtp.go:104)
- dial tcp connect: connection timed out
I suspect apps.smtp.gov.bc.ca
starts the TLS handshake which tells Fider SMTP utility to expect a properly configured SSL Certificate.