Hello and thank you for joining us for this JavaScript Essentials Workshop.
My name is Mike Jenkins and I am your Lighthouse Labs instructor today.
I started coding for fun mainly with an electronics focus but have worked as a web developer since graduating Lighthouse Labs in December 2016.
Today's goal is to get acquainted with JavaScript-based Web programming by creating a simple chat application. We'll use modern tools (Node.js, Web Sockets, etc.) and touch upon many different technologies.
The objective is not to fully understand every line of code, but to understand server-client architecture and to be inspired by how much can be created with so little code.
You're encouraged to buddy up with one other person. That said, both of you should ideally do the setup work individually on your own laptops.
The finished app that we'll be building in just a few hours today will look and feel much like this.
Let's get started with some Setup or if you feel you can go faster here is a Summary of all we'll cover.