Python SDK for accessing Youtube APIs.
- Python 3
- Requests library
$ pip install requests
Install from pip
$ pip install youtube-sdk-py
You can just initialize with an api key:
import youtubesdk
youtube = youtubesdk.Connection(api_key='your api key')
Access various methods in this format
# Channel
channel = youtube.get_channel(channel_id='UCp03YiAWc48Ay9Ew4Nu6_UA')
# Video
video = youtube.get_video(video_id='rbfOxR3OiW8')
# Comment Threads
comment_threads = youtube.get_comment_threads(video_id='EkDuCWOHBVU')
# Comments
comments = youtube.get_comments(comment_id='UgwNpeGtLn59UjTrW7N4AaABAg')
# Playlist Items
playlist_items = youtube.get_playlist_items(playlist_id='PL9a4goxNJut0xjwPV4CZlIJUGuOzwrih0')
# Playlists
playlists = youtube.get_playlists(channel_id='UCp03YiAWc48Ay9Ew4Nu6_UA')
# Search
search = youtube.get_search(channel_id='UCp03YiAWc48Ay9Ew4Nu6_UA', query='full stack')
# Quota
api_units = youtube.api_units_calculator(channel_id='UCp03YiAWc48Ay9Ew4Nu6_UA')
# Channel Statistics - This would return data in the below schema
channel_stats = youtube.get_channel_stats(channel_id='UCp03YiAWc48Ay9Ew4Nu6_UA')
'apiUnitsConsumed': api_units,
'channelInfo': channel_info,
'detailedVideoStats': {
'most': {
'views': most_viewed_video,
'likes': most_liked_video,
'dislikes': most_disliked_video,
'comments': most_comments_video
'least': {
'views': least_viewed_video,
'likes': least_liked_video,
'dislikes': least_disliked_video,
'comments': least_comments_video
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details