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CLI tool for Platform9 management.


  • CPUs: Minimum 2 CPUs needed on host
  • RAM: 12 GB
  • Disk: At least 30 GB of total disk space and 15 GB of free space is needed on host
  • Sudo access to the user
  • OS(Supported) :
    • Ubuntu (16.04,18.04,20.04)
    • RHEL/Centos (7.x)

Proxy support

The CLI allows configuration where all HTTPS requests can be routed through a proxy. See the Configuration section to see how to configure the proxy URL.

Non-interative mode

The CLI can be run in a non-interactive mode with flag --no-prompt. Using this disables all user prompts. If required flags are not passed to a sub-command or in case of any error, the CLI returns with a non zero code.


  • Downloading the CLI
bash <(curl -sL 
  • Help
#pf9ctl --help

CLI tool for Platform9 management.
	Platform9 Managed Kubernetes cluster operations.

  pf9ctl [command]

Available Commands:
  attach-node           Attaches a node to the Kubernetes cluster
  authorize-node        Authorizes this node with PMK control plane
  bootstrap             Creates a single-node Kubernetes cluster using the current node
  bundle                Gathers the support bundle and uploads it to S3
  check-amazon-provider Checks if the user has Amazon cloud permissions
  check-azure-provider  Checks if the user has Azure cloud permissions
  check-google-provider Checks if the user has Google cloud permissions
  check-node            Checks prerequisites on a node to use with PMK
  config                Creates or get the config
  deauthorize-node      Deauthorizes this node from the PMK control plane
  decommission-node     Decommissions this node from the PMK control plane
  delete-cluster        Deletes the cluster
  detach-node           Detaches a node from a Kubernetes cluster
  help                  Help about any command
  prep-node             Sets up prerequisites & prepares a node to use with PMK
  upgrade               Checks for a new version of the CLI
  version               Prints current version of CLI being used

  -h, --help             help for pf9ctl
      --log-dir string   path to save logs
      --no-prompt        disable all user prompts
      --verbose          print verbose logs

Use "pf9ctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  • Version

    This command is used to get the current version of the CLI

#pf9ctl version

pf9ctl version: v1.16
  • Upgrading

    This command is used upgrade the CLI to its newest version if there is one

#pf9ctl upgrade
You already have the newest version
#pf9ctl upgrade
New version found. Please upgrade to the newest version
Do you want to upgrade? (y/n): y

Downloading the CLI

Installing the CLI
Successfully updated.
#pf9ctl upgrade --skip-check
New version found. Please upgrade to the newest version

Downloading the CLI

Installing the CLI
Successfully updated.
  • Configuration

    This is used to setup or get the control-plane configuration. It includes the DU FQDN , username, region and the tenant(service).

#pf9ctl config

Create or get PF9 controller config used by this CLI

  pf9ctl config [command]

Available Commands:
  get         Print stored config
  set         Create a new config

  -h, --help   help for config

Global Flags:
      --no-prompt   disable all user prompts
      --verbose   print verbose logs

Use "pf9ctl config [command] --help" for more information about a command.
#pf9ctl config set --help

We can set config through prompt or with flags. 

Create a new config that can be used to query Platform9 controller

  pf9ctl config set [flags]

  -u, --account-url string   sets account_url
  -h, --help                 help for set
      --mfa string           set MFA token
  -p, --password string      sets password (use 'single quotes' to pass password)
  -l, --proxy-url string     sets proxy URL, can be specified as [<protocol>][<username>:<password>@]<host>:<port>
  -r, --region string        sets region
  -t, --tenant string        sets tenant
  -e, --username string      sets username

Global Flags:
      --log-dir string   path to save logs
      --no-prompt        disable all user prompts
      --verbose          print verbose logs
  • Check Node

    This command will perform the prerequisite check before a node can be added to the cluster. It checks for the following:

    • Mandatory Checks

      • Existing pf9 packages
      • Installing missing packages
      • Sudo Access Check
      • Ports Check
      • OS Check
      • Existing Kubernetes Cluster Check
      • Check execute permissions on /tmp folder
      • Disabling swap and removing swap in fstab
    • Optional Checks

      • Removal of existing pf9ctl(Python Based CLI)
      • Resources(CPU,Disk,Memory check)
#pf9ctl check-node --help
Check if a node satisfies prerequisites to be ready to be added to a Kubernetes cluster. Read more

  pf9ctl check-node [flags]

  -h, --help               help for check-node
  -i, --ip strings         IP address of host to be prepared
      --mfa string         MFA token
  -p, --password string    ssh password for the nodes (use 'single quotes' to pass password)
  -s, --ssh-key string     ssh key file for connecting to the nodes
  -e, --sudo-pass string   sudo password for user on remote host
  -u, --user string        ssh username for the nodes

Global Flags:
      --log-dir string   path to save logs
      --no-prompt        disable all user prompts
      --verbose          print verbose logs


#pf9ctl check-node

βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
βœ“ Removal of existing CLI
βœ“ Existing Platform9 Packages Check
βœ“ Required OS Packages Check
βœ“ SudoCheck
βœ“ CPUCheck
βœ“ DiskCheck
βœ“ MemoryCheck
βœ“ PortCheck
βœ“ Existing Kubernetes Cluster Check

βœ“ Completed Pre-Requisite Checks successfully


#pf9ctl check-node  -i -u centos

βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
You can choose either password or sshKey
Enter 1 for password and 2 for sshKey
Enter Option : 1
Enter password for remote host: 
βœ“ Removal of existing CLI
βœ“ Existing Platform9 Packages Check
βœ“ Required OS Packages Check
βœ“ SudoCheck
βœ“ CPUCheck
βœ“ DiskCheck
βœ“ MemoryCheck
βœ“ PortCheck
βœ“ Existing Kubernetes Cluster Check

βœ“ Completed Pre-Requisite Checks successfully
  • prep-node

This command onboards a node. It installs platform9 packages on the host. After completion of this command, the node is available to be managed on the Platform9 control plane.

#pf9ctl prep-node --help
Prepare a node to be ready to be added to a Kubernetes cluster. Read more

 pf9ctl prep-node [flags]

 -h, --help               help for prep-node
 -i, --ip strings         IP address of host to be prepared
     --mfa string         MFA token
 -p, --password string    ssh password for the nodes (use 'single quotes' to pass password)
 -c, --skip-checks         Will skip optional checks if true
 -s, --ssh-key string     ssh key file for connecting to the nodes
 -e, --sudo-pass string   sudo password for user on remote host
 -u, --user string        ssh username for the nodes

Global Flags:
     --log-dir string   path to save logs
     --no-prompt        disable all user prompts
     --verbose          print verbose logs


#pf9ctl prep-node

βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
βœ“ Removal of existing CLI
βœ“ Existing Platform9 Packages Check
βœ“ Required OS Packages Check
βœ“ SudoCheck
βœ“ CPUCheck
βœ“ DiskCheck
βœ“ MemoryCheck
βœ“ PortCheck
βœ“ Existing Kubernetes Cluster Check

βœ“ Completed Pre-Requisite Checks successfully

βœ“ Disabled swap and removed swap in fstab
βœ“ Platform9 packages installed successfully
βœ“ Initialised host successfully
βœ“ Host successfully attached to the Platform9 control-plane


#pf9ctl prep-node -i -u centos

βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
You can choose either password or sshKey
Enter 1 for password and 2 for sshKey
Enter Option : 1
Enter password for remote host: 
βœ“ Removal of existing CLI
βœ“ Existing Platform9 Packages Check
βœ“ Required OS Packages Check
βœ“ SudoCheck
βœ“ CPUCheck
βœ“ DiskCheck
βœ“ MemoryCheck
βœ“ PortCheck
βœ“ Existing Kubernetes Cluster Check

βœ“ Completed Pre-Requisite Checks successfully

βœ“ Disabled swap and removed swap in fstab
βœ“ Platform9 packages installed successfully
βœ“ Initialised host successfully
βœ“ Host successfully attached to the Platform9 control-plane
  • bundle(SupportBundle)

This is used to gather and upload a support bundle(a folder containing logs for pf9 services and pf9ctl) to the S3 location.

#pf9ctl bundle --help

Gathers support bundle that includes logs for pf9 services and pf9ctl, uploads to S3

  pf9ctl bundle [flags]

  -h, --help               help for bundle
  -i, --ip strings         IP address of host to be prepared
      --mfa string         MFA token
  -p, --password string    ssh password for the nodes (use 'single quotes' to pass password)
  -s, --ssh-key string     ssh key file for connecting to the nodes
  -e, --sudo-pass string   sudo password for user on remote host
  -u, --user string        ssh username for the nodes

Global Flags:
      --log-dir string   path to save logs
      --no-prompt        disable all user prompts
      --verbose          print verbose logs


#pf9ctl bundle 

βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
2021-05-17T06:45:03.95Z	INFO	==========Uploading supportBundle to S3 bucket==========
βœ“ Succesfully uploaded pf9ctl supportBundle to bucket at location 


#pf9ctl bundle -i -u centos

βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
You can choose either password or sshKey
Enter 1 for password and 2 for sshKey
Enter Option : 1
Enter password for remote host: 
2021-05-17T06:51:41.338Z	INFO	==========Uploading supportBundle to S3 bucket==========
βœ“ Succesfully uploaded pf9ctl supportBundle to bucket at location 


#pf9ctl attach-node --help

Attach nodes to existing cluster. At a time, multiple workers but only one master can be attached

  pf9ctl attach-node [flags] cluster-name

  -h, --help                help for attach-node
  -m, --master-ip strings   master node ip address
      --mfa string          MFA token
  -u, --uuid string         uuid of the cluster to attach the node to
  -w, --worker-ip strings   worker node ip address

Global Flags:
      --log-dir string   path to save logs
      --no-prompt        disable all user prompts
      --verbose          print verbose logs
#pf9ctl attach-node -m -w test-cluster
βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
2021-05-26T11:58:01.9579Z	INFO	Worker node(s) [bf5364cf-e2fd-4500-97fb-0b01be26084f] attached to cluster
2021-05-26T11:58:03.6328Z	INFO	Master node(s) [615c1042-48a3-42e8-8003-ac135d12e6f4] attached to cluster


#pf9ctl detach-node --help
Detach nodes from their clusters. If no ips are sent it will detach the node on which the command was run.

  pf9ctl detach-node [flags]

  -h, --help              help for detach-node
      --mfa string          MFA token
  -n, --node-ip strings   node ip address

Global Flags:
      --log-dir string   path to save logs
      --no-prompt        disable all user prompts
      --verbose          print verbose logs
#pf9ctl detach-node
βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
Starting detaching process
2021-11-08T08:35:14.1182Z	INFO	Node [9cfe32a2-6518-4b63-a55b-f9a9c1148e6a] detached from cluster
#pf9ctl detach-node -n ip
βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
Starting detaching process
2021-11-08T08:35:14.1182Z	INFO	Node [9cfe32a2-6518-4b63-a55b-f9a9c1148e6a] detached from cluster
#pf9ctl detach-node -n ip1,ip2
βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
Starting detaching process
2021-11-08T08:35:14.1182Z	INFO	Node [9cfe32a2-6518-4b63-a55b-f9a9c1148e6a] detached from cluster
2021-11-08T08:35:14.1182Z	INFO	Node [691a9feb-6b62-4235-bf27-208a14744843	 detached from cluster


#pf9ctl deauthorize-node --help
Deauthorizes this node. It will warn the user if the node was a master node or a part of a single node cluster.

  pf9ctl deauthorize-node [flags]

  -h, --help         help for deauthorize-node
  -i, --ip string    IP address of the host to be deauthorized
      --mfa string   MFA token

Global Flags:
      --log-dir string   path to save logs
      --no-prompt        disable all user prompts
      --verbose          print verbose logs
#pf9ctl deauthorize-node
βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
Node deauthorization started....This may take a few minutes....Check the latest status in UI


#pf9ctl authorize-node --help
Authorizes this node

  pf9ctl authorize-node [flags]

  -h, --help         help for authorize-node
  -i, --ip string    IP address of the host to be authorized
      --mfa string   MFA token

Global Flags:
      --log-dir string   path to save logs
      --no-prompt        disable all user prompts
      --verbose          print verbose logs
#pf9ctl authorize-node
βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
Node authorization started....This may take a few minutes....Check the latest status in UI


#pf9ctl delete-cluster --help
Deletes the cluster with the specified name. Additionally the user can pass the cluster UID instead of the name.

  pf9ctl delete-cluster [flags]

  -h, --help          help for delete-cluster
      --mfa string    MFA token
  -n, --name string   clusters name
  -i, --uuid string   clusters uuid

Global Flags:
      --no-prompt disable all user prompts
      --verbose   print verbose logs
#pf9ctl delete-cluster
2021-11-08T10:25:22.544Z	FATAL	You must pass a cluster name or the cluster uuid
#pf9ctl delete-cluster -n ClusterName
βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
Cluster deletion started....This may take a few minutes.
#pf9ctl delete-cluster -i 023be0b0-1348-4d8a-a9b7-25bd4293cbbd
βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
Cluster deletion started....This may take a few minutes.


#pf9ctl decommission-node --help
Removes the host agent package and decommissions this node from the Platform9 control plane.

  pf9ctl decommission-node [flags]

  -h, --help              help for decommission-node
  -i, --ip strings        IP address of host to be decommissioned
      --mfa string        MFA token
  -p, --password string   ssh password for the nodes (use 'single quotes' to pass password)
  -s, --ssh-key string    ssh key file for connecting to the nodes
  -u, --user string       ssh username for the nodes

Global Flags:
      --log-dir string   path to save logs
      --no-prompt        disable all user prompts
      --verbose          print verbose logs

When node is connected to a cluster:

#pf9ctl decommission-node
βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
Node is attached to test-2 cluster
2024-05-03T08:58:57.4328Z	FATAL	Node is still attached to a cluster. Please run detach-node command first and wait for the node to be completely removed from the cluster and only then run decommision-node command

When node is not connected to any cluster:

#pf9ctl decommission-node
βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
Deauthorized node from UI
Removing pf9-hostagent (this might take a few minutes...)
Removed hostagent
Removing logs...
Running clean all
Removing pf9 HOME dir
Node decommissioning started....This may take a few minutes....Check the latest status in UI


#pf9ctl check-amazon-provider -i iamUser -a access-key -s secret-key -r us-east-1

βœ“ ELB Access
βœ“ Route53 Access
βœ“ Availability Zones success
βœ“ EC2 Access
βœ“ VPC Access
βœ“ IAM Access
βœ“ Autoscaling Access
βœ“ EKS Access


#pf9ctl check-google-provider -p /home/duser/Downloads/service-account.json -n testProject -e [email protected]

βœ“  Success roles/iam.serviceAccountUser
βœ“  Failed roles/container.admin
βœ“  Failed roles/compute.viewer
βœ“  Success roles/viewer


#pf9ctl check-google-provider -t tenantID -c clientID -s subscriptionID -k secretKey

βœ“ Has access


#pf9ctl bootstrap --help
Bootstrap a single node Kubernetes cluster with current node as the master node.

 pf9ctl bootstrap [flags] cluster-name

pf9ctl bootstrap <clusterName> --pmk-version <version>

Required Flags:
   	--pmk-version string                  Kubernetes pmk version
Optional Flags:
   	--advanced-api-configuration string   Allowed API groups and version. Option: default, all & custom
   	--allow-workloads-on-master           Taint master nodes ( to enable workloads ), use either --allow-workloads-on-master or --allow-workloads-on-master=false to change (default true)
   	--api-server-flags strings            Comma separated list of supported kube-apiserver flags, e.g: --request-timeout=2m0s,--kubelet-timeout=20s
   	--block-size string                   Block size determines how many Pods can run per node vs total number of nodes per cluster (default "26")
   	--container-runtime string            The container runtime for the cluster (default "containerd")
   	--containers-cidr string              CIDR for container overlay (default "")
   	--controller-manager-flags strings    Comma separated list of supported kube-controller-manager flags, e.g: --large-cluster-size-threshold=60,--concurrent-statefulset-syncs=10
   	--enable-kubeVirt                     Enables Kubernetes to run Virtual Machines within Pods. This feature is not recommended for production workloads, use either --enable-kubeVirt or --enable-kubeVirt=true to change
   	--enable-profile-engine               Simplify cluster governance using the Platform9 Profile Engine, use either --enable-profile-engine or --enable-profile-engine=false to change (default true)
   	--etcd-backup                         Enable automated etcd backups on this cluster, use either --etcd-backup or --etcd-backup=false to change (default true)
   	--external-dns-name string            External DNS for master VIP
   -h, --help                                help for bootstrap
   	--http-proxy string                   Specify the HTTP proxy for this cluster. Format-> <scheme>://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>, username and password are optional.
   	--interface-detction-method string    Interface detection method for Calico CNI (default "first-found")
   -i, --ip strings                          IP address of the host to be prepared
   	--ip-encapsulation string             Encapsulates POD traffic in IP-in-IP between nodes (default "Always")
   	--master-virtual-interface string     Physical interface for virtual IP association
   	--master-virtual-ip string            Virtual IP address for cluster
   	--metallb-ip-range string             Ip range for MetalLB
   	--mfa string                          MFA token
   	--monitoring                          Enable monitoring for this cluster, use either --monitoring or --monitoring=false to change (default true)
   	--mtu-size string                     Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for the interface (default "1440")
   	--nat int                             Packets destined outside the POD network will be SNAT'd using the node's IP (default 1)
   	--network-plugin string               Specify network plugin ( Possible values: flannel or calico ) (default "calico")
   	--network-plugin-operator             Will deploy Platform9 CRDs to enable multiple CNIs and features such as SR-IOV, use either --network-plugin-operator or --network-plugin-operator=true to change
   	--network-stack int                   0 for ipv4 and 1 for ipv6
   -p, --password string                     Ssh password for the node (use 'single quotes' to pass password)
   	--privileged                          Enable privileged mode for K8s API, use either --privileged or --privileged=false to change (default true)
   -r, --remove-existing-pkgs                Will remove previous installation if found, use either --remove-existing-pkgs or --remove-existing-pkgs=true to change
   	--reserved-cpu string                 Comma separated list of CPUs to be reserved for the system, e.g: 4-8,9-12
   	--scheduler-flags strings             Comma separated list of supported Kube-scheduler flags, e.g: --kube-api-burst=120,--log_file_max_size=3000
   	--services-cidr string                CIDR for services overlay (default "")
   -s, --ssh-key string                      Ssh key file for connecting to the node
   -e, --sudo-pass string                    Sudo password for user on remote host
   	--tag string                          Add tag metadata to this cluster (key=value)
   	--topology-manager-policy string      Topology manager policy (default "none")
   	--use-hostname                        Use node hostname for cluster creation, use either --use-hostname or --use-hostname=true to change
   -u, --user string                         Ssh username for the node

Global Flags:
   	--log-dir string   path to save logs
   	--no-prompt        disable all user prompts
   	--verbose          print verbose logs
#pf9ctl bootstrap testCluster --pmk-version 1.21.3-pmk.72
βœ“ Loaded Config Successfully
βœ“ Node is not onboarded and not attached to any cluster
βœ“ Removal of existing CLI
βœ“ Existing Platform9 Packages Check
βœ“ Required OS Packages Check
βœ“ SudoCheck
βœ“ CPUCheck
βœ“ DiskCheck
βœ“ MemoryCheck
βœ“ PortCheck
βœ“ Existing Kubernetes Cluster Check
βœ“ Check lock on dpkg
βœ“ Check lock on apt
βœ“ Check if system is booted with systemd
βœ“ Check time synchronization
βœ“ Check if firewalld service is not running
βœ“ Disabling swap and removing swap in fstab

βœ“ Completed Pre-Requisite Checks successfully

Prep local node as master node for kubernetes cluster (y/n): y
βœ“ Platform9 packages installed successfully
βœ“ Initialised host successfully
βœ“ Host successfully attached to the Platform9 control-plane
βœ“ Cluster creation started
βœ“ Host is connected
βœ“ Attached node to the cluster
βœ“ Bootstrap successfully finished
Cluster creation started....This may take a few minutes....Check the latest status in UI