- [Q1] How to customize our input schema error (status_code=422)
- [Q2] How to generate error response for openapi in a clean way
- [Q3] How to define a property that can be string or null in openapi
- [Q4] How to do if I want schema to be inheritable but don't want child class to overwrite parent's any attributes
- [Q5] How to get '/path/{param}' in the middleware for metrics
- [Q6] How to print request body when error happends
- [Q7] How to print the entire exception chain when wanted
- [Q8] How to create log context and add trace id into it
You can search the above question in source code for the answers. (ex. search "[Q1]")
- A login method for all users
- A JWT token for authorization that can be set on swagger UI
- Two different roles (user, admin)
- One read messages API for user
- One leave message API for admin
- Generate response automatically from Errors
Install docker-compose before continue the following step.
This will build container
make build
This will start the server on http://localhost:9999 you can find the api doc on http://localhost:9999/api_doc/swagger
This will help you get into the server shell
make attach
You can run the unit test
make test
To tear down all the resource
make down
Install pre-commit to align the code formatting
Enable pre-commit and you are good to go
pre-commit install