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A study guide I created to help prepare for the scary CS225 final exam at U of I!

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CS225 Final Exam Review

This is a study guide I created to help prepare for the scary CS225 final exam at U of I! This is by no means complete, I only included content that I found unfamiliar.

Study Resources

Final Exam Topics

C++ Basics


Separate the interface from implementation but still keep them as a cohesive unit.

#pragma once

Telling compiler that this particular file will be included only once within this single compilation.

Reference Variable

An alias to an existing variable. Never creates new memory.


Stores a memory address of the instance instead of storing data.

Stack Memory

Default type memory, starts near the top of memory.

Heap Memory

  • Starts from low memory values and grows up.
  • Use new to create, delete to free.
  • Memory leak is when we don't delete when done.

const Function Parameter

  • Cube joinCubes(const Cube & c1) to prevent the parameters passed in to be changed.
  • double getVolume() const; means that getVolume() guarantees it will not modify the value.

virtual Function

  • Allow us to override the function in derived classes.

Let's say we have 2 classes...

class Animal
        _____ void eat() { std::cout << "I'm eating generic food."; }

class Cat : public Animal
        void eat() { std::cout << "I'm eating a rat."; }

and I create these in main.cpp...

Animal *animal = new Animal;
Cat *cat = new Cat;

this should be easy...

animal->eat(); // Outputs: "I'm eating generic food."
cat->eat();    // Outputs: "I'm eating a rat."

but now with this new function I created in main.cpp...

void func(Animal *xyz) { xyz->eat(); }

Case 1, void eat()... in class Animal (without virtual):

func(animal); // Outputs: "I'm eating generic food."
func(cat);    // Outputs: "I'm eating generic food."

Case 2, virtual void eat()... in class Animal (with virtual):

func(animal); // Outputs: "I'm eating generic food."
func(cat);    // Outputs: "I'm eating a rat."


  • A dynamic data type
  • Using Template <typename T> so that we do not need to write same function for various types
template <typename T>
T maximum(T a, T b) {
     T result;
     result = (a > b) ? a : b;
     return result;


Abstract Data Types (ADT)

ADT describes functionality but not implementation details.

Linked List

// Implementation

class List {
          /* ... */
         class ListNode {
              T & data;
              ListNode * next;
              ListNode(T & data) : data(data), next(NULL) { }
// Find: Recursive

ListNode *& _index(unsigned index) {
  return _index_helper(index, _head);

ListNode *& _index_helper(unsigned index, ListNode *& node) {
  if (index == 0) {
    return node;
  } else {
    return _index_helper(index - 1, node -> next);
// Find: Iterative
//       Moving the pointer one by one until it's at the right location.

ListNode *& _index(unsigned index) {
  if (index == 0) {
    return head;
  } else {
    ListNode *thru = head;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < index - 1; i++) {
      thru = thru->next;
    return thru->next;
// Operator []

T & operator[](unsigned index) {
  ListNode *& d = _index(index);
  return d -> data;
// Insert

void nsert(const T & t, unsigned index) {
  ListNode *& node = _index(index);
  ListNode * newNode = new ListNode(t);
  newNode -> next = node;
  node = newNode;

Iterator on List

To implement an iterator, must have

  • begin()
  • end()
  • operator++
  • operator*
  • operator!=
for (std::vector<Animal>::iterator it = zoo.begin(); it != zoo.end(); it++) {
  std::cout << (*it).name << " " << (*it).food << std::endl;
Singly Linked List ArrayList
Insert/Remove at Front O(1) O(1) (amortized)
Insert at a given element O(1) O(n) (needs to copy everything after)
Remove a given element O(1) O(n)
Insert an arbitrary element O(n) O(n)
Remove at arbitrary location O(n) O(n)


Like dining hall plates.

  • push
  • pop


Like a line is Disneyland.

  • enqueue
  • dequeue

Binary Trees

Each node has at most 2 children.

Full Tree

Each node has either 2 or 0 children.

Perfect Tree

Full tree + all leaves same distance from root.

Complete Tree

Full tree + perfect tree except last level, where all leaves are "pushed to the left."

Traversal (on Tree)

To traverse a tree means we process every element exactly once in a tree.

// pre-order

void preOrder(TreeNode * cur) {
  if (cur != NULL) {
    print(cur->data);     // print is some imaginary function
// in-order

void inOrder(TreeNode * cur) {
  if (cur != NULL) {
// post-order

void postOrder(TreeNode * cur) {
  if (cur != NULL) {

Search (on Tree)


  • Visit nearby nodes quickly by each level.
  • In other words, visit the direct descendants quicker (level-order traversal).


  • Find the endpoint of a path quickly, and to move deeper into the tree as quickly as possible.
  • In other words, we visit the leaves as soon as possible.

BST Tree (Binary Search Tree)

Binary tree but

  • Everything to the left of root < root
  • Everything to the right of root > root


// Find

TreeNode *& _find(TreeNode *& root, const K & key) const {
     If (root == NULL || key == root->key) {
          return root;  //root is null when we cannot find
     If (key < root->key) {
          return _find(root->left, key);
     If (key > root->key) {
          return _find(root->right, key);


  • No child: Just remove
  • 1 child: Swap with child then remove
  • 2 children: Swap with IOP then remove, like this:
  1. Find inorder predecessor (IOP), the largest node in the left subtree (the rightmost node).
  2. Swap IOP and the node we want to delete.
  3. The node is now a leaf, so we can remove it.

BST Analysis

Operation BST Average Case BST Worst Case Sorted Array Sorted List
find O(lg n) O(h) <= O(n) O(lg n) with binary search O(n) no binary search
insert O(lg n) O(h) <= O(n) O(n) with find O(lg n), move O(n) O(n) find data with O(n)
delete O(lg n) O(h) <= O(n) O(n) O(n)
traverse O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n)

Balance Factor

b = height(TR) - height(TL)

  • left heavy: b negative
  • right heavy: b positive
  • balanced: if |b| <= 1
  • lowest point of imbalance: the deepest node in the tree that is out of balance

BST Rotation

  • 4 kinds of rotation (L, R, LR, RL)
    • Simple rotations: stick
    • Complex rotations: elbow
  • All rotations local
  • All rotations run in O(1)

AVL Tree

Self-Balancing BST where the difference between heights of left and right subtrees cannot be more than 1.

To maintain height of tree:

  1. Check for imbalance.
  2. Correct it (do rotations).
  3. Update height.

Running Time

  • O(lg(n)) for all operations.

Number of Rotations

  • Find: 0
  • Insert: up to 1 (L, R, LR, or RL)
  • Delete: up to h (O(lg(n)))

Red Black Tree

  • Almost the same as AVL Trees.
  • Maximal height is 2 * lg(n) = O(lg(n)).

Summary: Every Data Structure So Far

Worst runtime Unsorted Array Sorted Array Unsorted List Sorted List Binary Tree (unsorted) BST AVL
find O(n) O(lg n) Binary search O(n) O(n) O(n) O(h)<=n O(lg n)
insert O(1)* InsertEnd and resize properly O(n) Shifting up to ½ data O(1) InsertFront O(n) O(1) Insert at root O(h)<=n O(lg n)
remove O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n) O(h)<=n O(lg n)
traverse O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n)

*: amortized runtime

k-d Tree

  • aka k-dimensional tree.
  • A BST that organizes points in k dimensional space.
  • Every node in a k-d Tree contains one point.
  • Every parent node splits the space into two subspaces based on a certain dimension.
  • Every node in its left subtree is in the left subspace, and every node in its right subtree is in the right subspace.
  • The dimension that a node is splitting on depends on which level of the tree this node is in.
  • Useful for range and nearest neighbor searches.

Constructing a k-d Tree

1. Alternate splitting dimension

  • Each node splits the space in a certain dimension.
  • Nodes on the i th level split the space in the i th dimension.
  • If i is greater than k, the dimension wraps back around to i mod k.

Example: a 2-d k-d tree, each node on a odd level splits the x dimension, and each node on a even level splits the y dimension:

2. Find the median

  • Each node split the space such that number of nodes in the left subspace = right subspace.
  • We pick the median among the nodes for the current dimension and make it the subroot.

3. Recurse on subtrees

Given this array to construct a k-d tree:

Find the median in terms of current dimension (dimension 1):

Partition so that smaller on left, greater on right:

Find the median in terms of current dimension (dimension 2):

Repeat this process until the array only consists of one node:

B Tree (of order m)

  • Each node holes 2 arrays
    • first holds the keys of the node
    • second holds pointers to the children


  • Keys within a node are ordered
  • Leaves contain no more than m-1 keys
  • Internal nodes have exactly one more child than keys
  • Root nodes can have 2 to m children
  • Internal nodes can have ceil(m/2) to m children
  • All leaves are at the same depth, which makes the tree balanced


template <class K, class V>
V BTree<K, V>::find(const BTreeNode* subroot, const K& key) const
    /* If first_larger_idx is a valid index and the key there is the key we
     * are looking for, we are done. */

    /* Otherwise, we need to figure out which child to explore. For this we
     * can actually just use first_larger_idx directly. E.g.
     * | 1 | 5 | 7 | 8 |
     * Suppose we are looking for 6. first_larger_idx is 2. This means we want to
     * explore the child between 5 and 7. The children vector has a pointer for
     * each of the horizontal bars. The index of the horizontal bar we want is
     * 2, which is conveniently the same as first_larger_idx. If the subroot is
     * a leaf and we didn't find the key in it, then we have failed to find it
     * anywhere in the tree and return the default V.

    size_t first_larger_idx = insertion_idx(subroot->elements, key);

    if (first_larger_idx < subroot->elements.size() && subroot->elements[first_larger_idx].key == key) {
        return subroot->elements[first_larger_idx].value;

    if (subroot->is_leaf) {
        return V();
    } else {
        return find(subroot->children[first_larger_idx], key);


  • Search: O(log n)
  • Combining/Splitting of Keys: O(m)
  • Insert/Delete: O((m/log m) * log n)


  • The hash function: f(h) -> Integers
  • The compression: Integer -> array
  • Handling collisions

Resolving Collisions

Seperate Chaining

void insert(K key, V value) {


    if (shouldResize()) { resizeTable(); }

    size_t idx = hash(key, size);

    pair<K, V> insert(key, value);

    // table is list<pair<K, V>>[size];
void remove(K key) {

    typename list<pair<K, V>>::iterator it;

    size_t idx = hash(key, size);

    for (it = table[idx].begin(); it != table[idx].end(); it++) {
        if (it->first == key) {


V find(K key) {

    typename list<pair<K, V>>::iterator it;

    size_t idx = hash(key, size);

    for (it = table[idx].begin(); it != table[idx].end(); it++) {
        if (it->first == key) {

            return it->second;

void resizeTable() {

    typename list<pair<K, V>>::iterator it;

    size_t newSize = findPrime(s * size);

    list<pair<K, V>> * newTable = new list<pair<K, V>>[newSize];

    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        for (it = table[i].begin(); it != table[i].end(); i++) {

            size_t = newIdx = hash(key, size);
            pair<K, V> newPair(it_.first, it->second);


    size  = newSize;
    table = newTable;

Linear Probing

Flags for whether or not to probe forward when looking at a particular cell in the table.

bool * should_probe;
void insert(K key, V value) {


    if (shouldResize()) { resizeTable(); }

    size_t insertIndex = hash(key, size);

    while (table[insertIndex] != NULL) {
        insertIndex = ((insertIndex + 1) % size);

    table[insertIndex] = new pair<K, V>(key, value);

    should_probe[insertIndex] = true;
void remove(K key) {

    int removeIndex = findIndex(key);

    if (removeIndex != -1) {
        delete table[removeIndex];
        table[removeIndex] = NULL;

V find(K & key) {

    // see below
    int idx = findIndex(key);

    if (idx != -1) {
        return table[idx]->second;
    return V();
int findIndex(K & key) {

    size_t findIndex = hash(key, size);

    size_t orgIndex = findIndex;

    while (should_probe[findIndex] == true) {

        if (table[findIndex]->first == key) {    
            return findIndex;

        findIndex = (findIndex + 1) % size;

        if (findIndex == orgIndex) {


    return -1;
void resizeTable() {

    size_t newSize = findPrime(size * 2);

    pair<K, V>** resizeTemp = new pair<K, V>*[newSize];

    delete[] should_probe;
    should_probe = new bool[newSize];

    for (size_t i = 0; i < newSize; i++) {
        resizeTemp[i] = NULL;
        should_probe[i] = false;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (table[i]) {
            size_t index = hash(table[i]->first, newSize);
            while (resizeTemp[index] != NULL) {
                index = ((index + 1) % newSize);
            resizeTemp[index] = table[i];
            should_probe[index] = true;

    delete[] table;
    table = resizeTemp;
    size = newSize;


Double Hashing

void insert(K & key, V & value) {


    if (shouldResize()) {

    size_t insertIndex = hashes::hash(key, size);
    size_t secondHash  = hashes::secondary_hash(key, size);

    while (table[insertIndex] != NULL) {
        insertIndex = ((insertIndex + secondHash) % size);

    table[insertIndex] = new pair<K, V>(key, value);

    should_probe[insertIndex] = true;
void remove(K & key) {

    int removeIndex = findIndex(key);

    if (removeIndex != -1) {
        delete table[removeIndex];
        table[removeIndex] = NULL;
V find(K & key) const {
    int idx = findIndex(key);
    if (idx != -1) return table[idx]->second;
    return V();
int findIndex(K & key) {

    size_t findIndex  = hashes::hash(key, size);
    size_t secondHash = hashes::secondary_hash(key, size);
    size_t orgIndex   = findIndex;

    while (should_probe[findIndex]) {

        if (table[findIndex]->first == key) {
            return findIndex;

        findIndex = (findIndex + secondHash) % size;

        if (findIndex == orgIndex) {

    return -1;
void resizeTable() {

    size_t newSize = findPrime(size * 2);

    pair<K, V>** temp = new pair<K, V>*[newSize];

    // create a new should_probe that fits the new size
    delete[] should_probe;
    should_probe = new bool[newSize];

    // init the new table we created
    for (size_t i = 0; i < newSize; i++) {
        temp[i] = NULL;
        should_probe[i] = false;

    for (size_t slot = 0; slot < size; slot++) {

        if (table[slot] != NULL) {

            size_t h    = hashes::hash(table[slot]->first, newSize);
            size_t jump = hashes::secondary_hash(table[slot]->first, newSize);
            size_t i    = 0;
            size_t idx  = h;

            while (temp[idx] != NULL) {
                idx = (h + jump * i) % newSize;

            temp[idx] = table[slot];
            should_probe[idx] = true;

    delete[] table;
    table = temp;
    size = newSize;

Heaps (Priority Queues)

Whenever remove is called, the data structure pops out an element with a predetermined property (for example, the smallest element in minHeap).


  • Map level order tree traversal to an array or vector.
  • Use trees just for representation.
  • Root starts at 1 for convenience.


void heapifyUp(idx) {

    if (idx = root()) { return; }

    size_t parent = parent(idx);

    // if index is more "min" than parent
    if (higherPiority(_elem[idx], _elem[parent])) {
        swap(elem[idx], _elem[parent]);


void heapifyDown(idx) {

    if (hasAChild(idx) == false) { return; }

    size_t minChild = maxPriorityChild(idx);

    // if minChild is more "min" than index
    if (higherPiority(_elem[minChild], _elem[idx])) {
        swap(_elem[minChild], _elem[idx];

Disjoint Sets

void DisjointSets::addelements(int num) {
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
int DisjointSets::find(int elem) {
    if (elems[elem] < 0) {
        return elem;
    } else {
        return find(elems[elem]);
void DisjointSets::setunion(int a, int b) {
    int a_root = find(a);
    int b_root = find(b);
    int size = elems[a_root] + elems[b_root];

    if (elems[a_root] <= elems[b_root]) {
        elems[b_root] = a_root;
        elems[a_root] = size;
    } else {
        elems[a_root] = b_root;
        elems[b_root] = size;
int DisjointSets::size(int elem) {
    if (elem >= (int)elems.size() || elem < 0) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return elems[find(elem)] * -1;



  • Edge List

    • Vertex collection: Use a hash table (find/remove/insert will be O(1)).
    • Edge collections: Use a linked list (hash table is not good because we have many collisions (no random distribution, violates SUHA) )
  • Adjacency Matrix

    • Maintain a hash table of vertices and a list of edges.
    • Add an nn matrix → store a pointer to the edge in edge list for every index in the matrix where the two vertices are adjacent.
  • ADJ List

    • We will maintain a hash table of vertices, and every vertex in the table has a linked list of pointers which point to edges in the edge list.
    • Elements from the edge list will point back to the hash table.

Kruskal's MST (Minimum Spanning Tree)

     DisjointSets forest
     foreach (Vertex v : G):

     PriorityQueue Q    // min edge weight
     foreach (Edge e : G):

     Graph T = (V, {})

     while |T.edges()| < n-1:
          Vertex (u, v) = Q.removeMin()
          if forest.find(u) != forest.find(v):
               T.addEdge(u, v)
               forest.union( forest.find(u),
                                    forest.find(v) )
     return T

Prim's MST (Minimum Spanning Tree)

PrimMST(G, s):
  Input: G, Graph;
         s, vertex in G, starting vertex
  Output: T, a minimum spanning tree (MST) of G

  foreach (Vertex v : G):  
    d[v] = +inf
    p[v] = NULL
  d[s] = 0

  PriorityQueue Q   // min distance, defined by d[v]
  Graph T           // "labeled set"

  repeat n times:
    Vertex m = Q.removeMin()
    foreach (Vertex v : neighbors of m not in T):
      if cost(v, m) < d[v]:
        d[v] = cost(v, m)
        p[v] = m

  return T

Dijkstra's SSSP (Single Source Shortest Path)

Dijkstra(Graph, source, destination):

  initialize distances  // initialize tentative distance value
  initialize previous   // initialize a map that maps current node -> its previous node
  initialize priority_queue   // initialize the priority queue
  initialize visited

  while the top of priority_queue is not destination:
      get the current_node from priority_queue
      for neighbor in current_node's neighbors and not in visited:
          if update its neighbor's distances:
              previous[neighbor] = current_node
      save current_node into visited

  extract path from previous
  return path and distance

Floyd-Warshall's APSP (All Pairs Shortest Path)

Floyd-Warshall’s Algorithm solves the problem Dijkstra's algorithm has with negative edges.


A study guide I created to help prepare for the scary CS225 final exam at U of I!






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