Purchase 10001 PIRATE, for example on PancakeSwap: PancakeSwap
Exchange your tokens for native coins via @piratecash_bot if you already have the tokens.
Launch a node on a hosting service, for example, Vultr: Vultr (using this link, you will receive a bonus on your account).
Access the server via SSH.
Clone the repository: https://github.com/piratecash/masternode
Generate a BLS key in PirateCash:
bls generate
Insert the
value intomasternodeblsprivkey=xxx
in the file/home/pirate/.piratecore/piratecash.conf
(in the docker) or /opt/node/piratecash/piratecash.conf on host system. -
Run the script
for automatic setup. -
Restart Docker.
Activate the masternode via PirateCash Core. For more details, visit: Masternode Activation
Stand with us and support!
Indeed, we have been working hard ever since we launched PirateCash. Still, we sincerely believe in our idea and keep up with the world, gaining experience and skills on the way to a better future. We are quite optimistic about our project and we are ready to work our heads off! However, we could never be where we are now without you, and our team needs you like never before.
Donation Addresses
PirateCash: PWb32EauXNUQm8rD6XFCtaaTn7vCesPDHN
Cosanta: CGefSFXEjBEZA6gmXWaxNa35STfv8ZTWeR
Bitcoin: 3G5fwc9PP9Lcb1y3RAYGzoQZs5enJkmdxN
Bitcoin Cash: qr4f0pkvx86vv6cuae48nj83txqhwyt2fgadd9smxg
BNB Smart Chain: 0x52be29951B0D10d5eFa48D58363a25fE5Cc097e9
PIRATE (BEP20): 0x52be29951B0D10d5eFa48D58363a25fE5Cc097e9
Polygon: 0x52be29951B0D10d5eFa48D58363a25fE5Cc097e9
Avalanche: 0x52be29951B0D10d5eFa48D58363a25fE5Cc097e9
Gnosis: 0x52be29951B0D10d5eFa48D58363a25fE5Cc097e9
Fantom: 0x52be29951B0D10d5eFa48D58363a25fE5Cc097e9
Arbitrum: 0x52be29951B0D10d5eFa48D58363a25fE5Cc097e9
Optimism: 0x52be29951B0D10d5eFa48D58363a25fE5Cc097e9
ECASH: ecash:qrzcal2fmm6vumxp3g2jndk0fepmt2racya9lc4yxy
Solana: CefzHT5zCUncm3yhTLck9bCRYkbjHrKToT1GpPUyqCMa
BNB Beacon Chain: bnb132w7sndlwn340jgqff2m9m4nsddx3hga55nx3l
USDT (BEP20): 0x52be29951B0D10d5eFa48D58363a25fE5Cc097e9
Litecoin: MNbHsci3A8u6UiqjBMMckXzfPrLjeMxdRC
DASH: XcpUrR8LkohMNB9TfJaC97id6boUhRU3wk
DOGE: D5PpSeZAGghckLtep1vMwxoAZaGYmx5cv6
Ethereum: 0x52be29951B0D10d5eFa48D58363a25fE5Cc097e9
USDT (ERC-20): 0x52be29951B0D10d5eFa48D58363a25fE5Cc097e9
Solana: CefzHT5zCUncm3yhTLck9bCRYkbjHrKToT1GpPUyqCMa
XEC (ECASH): ecash:qrzcal2fmm6vumxp3g2jndk0fepmt2racya9lc4yxy
zCash: t1MKoU27aZ6yQW7uBiCFqihATVhgfGiEYyz
zCash: zs1hwyqs4mfrynq0ysjmhv8wuau5zam0gwpx8ujfv8epgyufkmmsp6t7cfk9y0th7qyx7fsc5azm08