Main repository of the PhaseSCA project.
This repository contains the data and experiments of the project.
This project led to the following TCHES publication: Pierre Ayoub, Aurélien Hernandez, Romain Cayre, Aurélien Francillon, Clémentine Maurice (2025), PhaseSCA: Exploiting Phase-Modulated Emanations in Side Channels. IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES'25).
This project is also part of my Ph.D. Thesis, not yet published.
title = {{PhaseSCA: Exploiting Phase-Modulated Emanations in Side
author = {Ayoub, Pierre and Hernandez, Aur{\'e}lien and Cayre,
Romain and Francillon, Aur{\'e}lien and Maurice,
journal = {IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded
Systems (TCHES)},
publisher = {{IACR}},
volume = {2025},
doi = {10.46586/tches.v2025.i1.392-419},
number = {1},
pages = {392–419},
year = {2024},
month = {Dec.},
url = {},
urlfile = {},
keywords = {Side-channel attacks ; Power/Electromagnetic analysis ;
Unintended modulation ; Phase modulation ; Angle modulation
; Clock jitter},
hal_local_reference={Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 25001},
hal_url = {},
hal_pdf = {},
hal_id = {hal-04726109},
hal_version = {v1},
affiliations = {Eurecom, Univ Lille, CNRS, Inria}
Source code used to flash the firmware we used on our target devices during our attacks. Required to perform the data collection.
Utility used to record I/Q signals from the target device emanations using a software-defined radio (SDR). Required to perform the data collection.
Used to to process and analyze the datasets composed of I/Q signals. Required to perform the data analysis and the attacks.
- SDR: Pick one supported by SoapyRX.
- Near-field probes: Can be a COTS one or a handmade for frequencies between 8 and 128 MHz.
- Device Under Test (DUT): Pick one described in the paper.
This repository is managed using git-annex. Around 400 GB of data is currently deduplicated and spread across 4 instances, including workstations and external mass storage devices.
Experiments of the project.
Datasets built during the project.
Scripts to work with the repository.