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Parallellisp is one pure funcional Lisp dialect with some primitives to support parallelism. In particular, parallel argument evaluation is easily handled.


Parallelism support: { }

To ask for parallel argument evaluation to the runtime system just use {} instead of normal brackets. For example, to define the Fibonacci's function write:

(defun p-fib (n)
        ((eq n 0) 0) 
        ((eq n 1) 1) 
        (t {+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))})

(p-fib 32)

This version is much faster than the implementation with normal brackets. More examples are: pmergesort, psearch, psorted and psum. Every time a new argument is asked to be evaluated one new green thread is spawned. Spawning too many of them could deteriorate performances, and for this reason one special builtin function is supported: divide-et-impera. It tries to optimally allocate the work one the cpus, if one provides the sequential algorithm that works on lists and one way to combine partial results. For example, optimal merge sort would become:

(defun merge (firstList secondList)
  (cond ((not firstList) secondList)
        ((not secondList) firstList)
        ((< (car firstList) (car secondList)) 
            (cons (car firstList) (merge (cdr firstList) secondList)))
            (cons (car secondList) (merge firstList (cdr secondList))))))
(defun mergesort (lst)
    ((eq (length lst) 1) lst)
    (t (merge 
            (mergesort (take lst (/ (length lst) 2)))
            (mergesort (drop lst (/ (length lst) 2)))))))

(defun optimal-mergesort (myList)
    (divide-et-impera mergesort merge myList))

(mergesort oneLargeList) ;; this is slow
(optimal-mergesort oneLargeList) ;; this is fast

One can measure performances using the function time. Because splitting data in smaller parts and recombining it is a general pattern that does not apply just to the lists, another primitive has been added to the language: parallelize. It acts like divide-et-impera, but works on generic data. For this reason, one has to provide functions to split the data in two partitions and to recognize base cases. For example, the fib function would become:

(setq pfib 
        fib                                 ;; sequential algorithm
        (lambda (n) (or (eq n 0) (eq n 1))) ;; base case detector
        (lambda (n) (- n 2))                ;; split-left
        (lambda (n) (- n 1))                ;; split-right
        +                                   ;; combiner

(pfib 32)

In the last example, with 8 cpus usually one could obtain a speedup of 3x.

Pure functional programming

Lisp is not a pure functional language: assignment and append for example are allowed. Parallellisp, to naturally offer support to parallelism, is pure. This means that no side effects are allowed. Also, it has one unique feature: closures and partially applied functions. For example

(defun myAdd (x y)
    (+ x y))

(myAdd 1)

is allowed. Also, function are first class citizens, and this means that they can be passed as arguments to other functions.


Parallellisp is one homoiconic language, this means that code and data are stored in the same data structure. The main point about this is that one can print the code: try to print parallelize in the console and look at what there's inside!

The language

Here you can find one list of the supported CommonLisp-functions:

  • -
  • *
  • /
  • \>
  • \>=
  • +
  • <
  • <=
  • and
  • atom
  • car
  • cdr
  • cons
  • eq
  • id
  • integerp
  • length
  • list
  • load
  • member
  • not
  • nth
  • null
  • or
  • reverse
  • set
  • symbolp
  • write

Some macros:

  • cond
  • defun
  • dotimes
  • lambda
  • let
  • quote
  • setq
  • time

And some special parallellisp functions:

  • ncpu: return the number of vcpus on the machine
  • take: takes n elements from one list
  • drop: drops n elements from one list
  • first-half: takes the first half of one list
  • second-half: takes the second half of one list
  • divide-et-impera: see section Parallelism support
  • parallelize: see section Parallelism support


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