Druthers is a web app that matches users with a presidential candidate. A sentiment analysis of the user's tweets is performed by the IBM Watson Personality API and compared to tweet data from presidential candidates using a matching alogorithm. The degree of personality correlation between the user and her match as well as the other candidates is displayed dynamically in a bipartite graph. Try it Druthers here!
- Product Owner and Developer: Phong Pham
Developers, if you would like to work on this app fork it here.
You'll also need to get your own Twitter API keys by creating a new app.
Next you'll want to obtain Watson credentials to use the Watson Personality Insight API. Visit IMB Watson Developer Cloud to learn how.
Add a file named
to the config folder in your server directory with the following code:
// twitter credentials
var config = {};
config.twitter = {};
config.twitter.consumer_key = '';
config.twitter.consumer_secret = '';
config.twitter.access_token_key = '';
config.twitter.access_token_secret = '';
// Watson Personality Insights credentials
// formatted for watson-developer-cloud wrapper
config.watson = {};
config.watson.username = '';
config.watson.password = '';
config.watson.version = 'v2';
You will need to fill out the strings with the relevant keys/authentication credentials from Twitter and IBM Watson respectively. This file is included in the .gitignore as such, it will not be commited to your github.
Follow installing dependencies instructions.
- angular 1.4.7
- angular-nvd3 1.0.2
- angular-ui-router 0.2.15
- bluebird 3.0.2
- body-parser 1.14.1
- bootstrap 3.3.5
- bower 1.6.5
- cron 1.0.9
- jquery 2.1.4
- express 4.13.3
- mongodb 2.0.46
- mongoose 4.2.2
- node 0.12.7
- twitter 1.2.5
- watson-developer-cloud 0.10.6
Within the root directory:
Make sure you have npm installed, then...
npm install
bower install
View the project roadmap here
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines