The page outlines a pipeline to run object-based colocalisation using ImageJ/Fiji macros, and an example template to run data analysis in R.
This pipeline is used quantify cell density, cell volume, and signal coverage using object-based colocalisation.
This pipeline utilises the same workflow described in the semi-automated brain slice cell segmentation to segment cells and produce a table describing volumes of segmented objects (or cells) for a given label, and an ImageJ/Fiji macro which uses the AND Boolean operator to quantify segmented objects which are colocalised.
Custom-made R scripts were designed to quantify the cell density, cell volume, and signal coverage for given cell signals and colocalised cell signals.
When I put this together I had a lot of images, generally multiple images per animal, so I recommended organising your directories as below. This directory organisation works optimally for the pipeline but please feel free to change to what suits your needs and experiment.
EXAMPLE: Animal_1 had 2 images of the CA1 and Animal_2 had 1 image, their directory organisation would be:
|___img.tif (multichannel image)
|___img.tif (multichannel image)
|__img.tif (multichannel image)
NOTE: within each subdirectory in Animal_1 and Animal_2 (even if there is no subdirectory) all the multichannel images are named the same - this allows the experimenter to run scripts recursively without having to worry about unique filenames.
Using ImageJ/Fiji, run the following macros:
- split_colours.ijm - this seperates your multichannel image into individual channels
- signal_processing.ijm - this processes your individuals channels
- coloc_processing.ijm - this run object-based colocalisation on 2 single channel segmented binary images
In R, run the following scripts:
- load_dataframes.R - this will combine all the tables produced from 1. to make a "merged_df.csv" so its format ready for data analysis
- note: this only runs for one multichannel image, see below to run it recursively
- you will need to manually annotate what your dataframes should be called in this script
- load_dataframes_recursive.R - this will run load_dataframes.R recursively and uniquely name each "merged_df.csv"
- analysis_script.R - an example for how to wrangle the data together to generate a final dataframe ready for statistical analysis
- load_dataframes.R - this will combine all the tables produced from 1. to make a "merged_df.csv" so its format ready for data analysis