- p, Add ajax pagination and sort.
- p, Add ajax search to load the product listigs after user cliks search/clear
- p, Add ajax to load product listing after user clicks on category.
- p, Remove flavors
- j, Assign categories (flavors) to coffee products
- j, Make many more items and flavors including images (items from starbucks, dd && www.mistobox.com)
- j, Testing logged in user order creation & cancellation.
- j, Testing non logged in user order creation & cancellation. (need to use URL to find order)
- j, Testing combinations of sort, categories, pagination, search on the products page. bound to have an error or two there
- During checkout, have option for shipping speed
- During checkout, show taxes
- During checkout, have coupon
- During checkout, show read only summary screen of cart items + shipping info + cost and everything else
- Homepage show random promotional discounted items
- Homepage return user use cookies to recommend recently viewed things
- Save wishlist
- Wishlist can be public or private
Ok, coffee! Let's make a page like this
- Use Git to clone my repo into any one of your own directories on your computer. Here is the URL you use to perform the clone,(https://github.com/philippannenko/csp-595.git).
- In cmd, navigate to the {project} directory and run the env-setup.bat file that configures your env. (you may need to update this file to represent your directories. all of the env must be set)
- In the same cmd prompt, now run the following without quotes, 'ant''
- The project should compile and then deploy the necessary file to you tomcat directory for your viewing pleasures, (http://localhost/csp-595)
After a successful ant compile, the executable ouput appears here. You can effectively copy paste this directory into Tomcat.
All of the java related source code for this project.
All of the jsp, css and libs for this project