This PostgreSQL extension implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for MongoDB.
Please note that this version of mongo_fdw works with PostgreSQL and EDB Postgres Advanced Server 13, 14, 15 and 16.
To compile the MongoDB foreign data wrapper, mongo-c and json-c
libraries are needed. To build and install mongo-c and json-c libraries, there
are two ways. You can either use script
or you can manually
perform all required steps listed.
Number of manual steps needs to be performed to compile and install required mongo-c and json-c libraries. If you want to avoid the manual steps, there is a shell script available which will download and install the appropriate drivers and libraries for you.
Here is how it works:
To install mongo-c and json-c libraries at custom locations, you need to
export environment variables MONGOC_INSTALL_DIR
respectively. If these variables are not set then these libraries will be
installed in the default location. Please note that you need to have the
required permissions on the directory where you want to install the libraries.
Build with MongoDB's legacy branch driver
- --with-legacy
Build MongoDB's master branch driver
- --with-master
The script will do all the necessary steps to build with legacy and meta driver accordingly.
Download and extract source code of mongoc driver for version
wget tar xzf mongo-c-driver-1.17.3.tar.gz rm -rf mongo-c-driver mv mongo-c-driver-1.17.3 mongo-c-driver cd mongo-c-driver
Configure mongoc driver
To install at custom location:
Compile and install
cmake --build . cmake --build . --target install
For more details on installation of mongo-c driver, you can refer here.
Checkout, extract legacy branch
wget tar -zxf v0.8.tar.gz rm -rf mongo-c-driver mv mongo-c-driver-0.8 mongo-c-driver
Download and extract source code
wget tar -xzf json-c-0.15-20200726.tar.gz rm -rf json-c mv json-c-json-c-0.15-20200726/ json-c cd json-c
cmake .
To install at custom location:
Compile and install
make make install
For more details on installation of json-c library, you can refer here.
To compile against legacy driver, 'Makefile.legacy' must be used and 'Makefile.meta' must be used to compile against the meta driver. For example, this can be achieved by copying required Makefile as shown below: For meta,
cp Makefile.meta Makefile
For legacy,
cp Makefile.legacy Makefile
The default compilation is with Meta driver.
environment variable must be set to mongo-c-driver source
directory for successful compilation as shown below,
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$YOUR_MONGO_FDW_SOURCE_DIR/mongo-c-driver/src/libmongoc/src:$YOUR_MONGO_FDW_SOURCE_DIR/mongo-c-driver/src/libbson/src
environment variable must include the path to the mongo-c
installation directory containing the and
files. For example, assuming the installation directory is /home/mongo-c and
the libraries were created under it in lib64 sub-directory, then we can define
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/mongo-c/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable setting must be in effect
when the pg_ctl
utility is executed to start or restart PostgreSQL or
EDB Postgres Advanced Server.
To build on POSIX-compliant systems you need to ensure the
executable is in your path when you runmake
. This executable is typically in your PostgreSQL installation'sbin
directory. For example:export PATH=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/:$PATH
Compile the code using make.
make USE_PGXS=1
Finally install the foreign data wrapper.
make USE_PGXS=1 install
Running regression test.
make USE_PGXS=1 installcheck
However, make sure to set the
environment variables correctly. The default settings can be found in
If you run into any issues, please let us know.
The following enhancements are added to the latest version of mongo_fdw:
The previous version was only read-only, the latest version provides the write capability. The user can now issue an insert, update, and delete statements for the foreign tables using the mongo_fdw.
The latest version comes with a connection pooler that utilizes the same mango database connection for all the queries in the same session. The previous version would open a new MongoDB connection for every query. This is a performance enhancement.
The third enhancement is to add a new MongoDB' C driver. The current implementation is based on the legacy driver of MongoDB. But MongoDB is provided completely new library for driver called MongoDB's meta driver. Added support for the same. Now compile time option is available to use legacy and meta driver.
In order to use MongoDB driver 1.17.0+, take the following steps:
- clone
version 1.17.0+ ( and follow the install directions given there.libbson
is now maintained in a subdirectory of thelibmongoc
. ( - ensure pkg-config / pkgconf is installed on your system.
- run
make -f Makefile.meta && make -f Makefile.meta install
- if you get an error when trying to
, then try runningldconfig
- Aggregate functions:
: is converted to$avg
aggregate function.count(*)
: is converted to{ $sum : 1 }
BSON document.max
: is converted to$max
aggregate function.min
: is converted to$min
aggregate function.sum
: is converted to$sum
aggregate function.stddev
: is converted to$stdDevSamp
aggregate function.stddev_pop
: is converted to$stdDevPop
aggregate function.stddev_samp
: is converted to$stdDevSamp
aggregate function.
- The order for comparing NULL value in MongoDB and PostgreSQL is different (MongoDB's order, PostgreSQL's order)
- The nullish comparison results are filtered by adding NULL filter on JOIN clause, which makes JOIN result consistent with PostgreSQL JOIN specification.
- JSON arrow operator (json -> text → json): Extracts JSON object field with the given key
- WHERE clause
- GROUP BY and HAVING clause Usage
The following parameters can be set on a MongoDB foreign server object:
: Address or hostname of the MongoDB server. Defaults to127.0.0.1
: Port number of the MongoDB server. Defaults to27017
: Controls whether mongo_fdw uses exact rows from remote collection to obtain cost estimates. Default isfalse
: Iftrue
, pushes the join between two foreign tables from the same foreign server, instead of fetching all the rows for both the tables and performing a join locally. This option can also be set for an individual table, and if any of the tables involved in the join has set it to false then the join will not be pushed down. The table-level value of the option takes precedence over the server-level option value. Default istrue
The following options are only supported with meta driver:
: Database against which user will be authenticated against. Only valid with password based authentication.replica_set
: Replica set the server is member of. If set, driver will auto-connect to correct primary in the replica set when writing.read_preference
: primary [default], secondary, primaryPreferred, secondaryPreferred, or nearest.ssl
: false [default], true to enable ssl. See to understand the options.pem_file
: The .pem file that contains both the TLS/SSL certificate and key.pem_pwd
: The password to decrypt the certificate key file(i.e. pem_file)ca_file
: The .pem file that contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority.ca_dir
: The absolute path to theca_file
: The .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List.weak_cert_validation
: false [default], This is to enable or disable the validation checks for TLS/SSL certificates and allows the use of invalid certificates to connect if set totrue
The following parameters can be set on a MongoDB foreign table object:
: Name of the MongoDB database to query. Defaults totest
: Name of the MongoDB collection to query. Defaults to the foreign table name used in the relevantCREATE
The following parameters can be supplied while creating user mapping:
: Username to use when connecting to MongoDB.password
: Password to authenticate to the MongoDB server.
As an example, the following commands demonstrate loading the
wrapper, creating a server, and then creating a foreign
table associated with a MongoDB collection. The commands also show
specifying option values in the OPTIONS
clause. If an option value
isn't provided, the wrapper uses the default value mentioned above.
can collect data distribution statistics will incorporate
them when estimating costs for the query execution plan. To see selected
execution plans for a query, just run EXPLAIN
Examples with MongoDB's equivalent statements.
-- load extension first time after install
-- create server object
CREATE SERVER mongo_server
OPTIONS (address '', port '27017');
-- create user mapping
SERVER mongo_server
OPTIONS (username 'mongo_user', password 'mongo_pass');
-- create foreign table
_id name,
warehouse_id int,
warehouse_name text,
warehouse_created timestamptz
SERVER mongo_server
OPTIONS (database 'db', collection 'warehouse');
-- Note: first column of the table must be "_id" of type "name", "text", "varchar" or "bpchar".
-- select from table
SELECT * FROM warehouse WHERE warehouse_id = 1;
_id | warehouse_id | warehouse_name | warehouse_created
53720b1904864dc1f5a571a0 | 1 | UPS | 2014-12-12 12:42:10+05:30
(1 row)
"warehouse_id" : 1
"_id" : ObjectId("53720b1904864dc1f5a571a0"),
"warehouse_id" : 1,
"warehouse_name" : "UPS",
"warehouse_created" : ISODate("2014-12-12T07:12:10Z")
-- insert row in table
INSERT INTO warehouse VALUES (0, 2, 'Laptop', '2015-11-11T08:13:10Z');
"warehouse_id" : NumberInt(2),
"warehouse_name" : "Laptop",
"warehouse_created" : ISODate("2015-11-11T08:13:10Z")
-- delete row from table
DELETE FROM warehouse WHERE warehouse_id = 2;
"warehouse_id" : 2
-- update a row of table
UPDATE warehouse SET warehouse_name = 'UPS_NEW' WHERE warehouse_id = 1;
"warehouse_id" : 1
"warehouse_id" : 1,
"warehouse_name" : "UPS_NEW",
"warehouse_created" : ISODate("2014-12-12T07:12:10Z")
-- explain a table
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM warehouse WHERE warehouse_id = 1;
Foreign Scan on warehouse (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1000 width=84)
Filter: (warehouse_id = 1)
Foreign Namespace: db.warehouse
(3 rows)
-- collect data distribution statistics
ANALYZE warehouse;
Example for LEFT JOIN with NULL values behavior between PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
PostgreSQL treats a NULL value is larger than a non-NULL value
but a NULL value is smaller than a non-NULL value in MongoDB.
-- The prepared data on PostgreSQL
SELECT * FROM postgres_t1;
i | j | t
1 | 4 | one
2 | 3 | two
3 | 2 | three
4 | 1 | for
5 | 0 | five
6 | 7 | six
7 | 7 | seven
8 | 8 | eight
0 | | zero
| | null
| 0 | zero
(11 rows)
SELECT * FROM postgres_t2;
i | k
1 | -1
2 | 2
3 | -3
2 | 4
5 | -5
5 | -5
0 |
| 0
(9 rows)
-- The JOIN result with NULL compare in PostgreSQL:
FROM postgres_t1 LEFT JOIN postgres_t2 USING (i);
i | j | t | k
1 | 4 | one | -1
2 | 3 | two | 2
3 | 2 | three | -3
2 | 3 | two | 4
5 | 0 | five | -5
5 | 0 | five | -5
0 | | zero |
| 0 | zero |
| | null |
8 | 8 | eight |
6 | 7 | six |
7 | 7 | seven |
4 | 1 | for |
(13 rows)
# The prepared data on MongoDB:
> db.mongo_t1.find();
{ "i" : 1, "j" : 4, "t" : "one" }
{ "i" : 2, "j" : 3, "t" : "two" }
{ "i" : 3, "j" : 2, "t" : "three" }
{ "i" : 4, "j" : 1, "t" : "for" }
{ "i" : 5, "j" : 0, "t" : "five" }
{ "i" : 6, "j" : 7, "t" : "six" }
{ "i" : 7, "j" : 7, "t" : "seven" }
{ "i" : 8, "j" : 8, "t" : "eight" }
{ "i" : 0, "j" : null, "t" : "zero" }
{ "i" : null, "j" : null, "t" : "null" }
{ "i" : null, "j" : 0, "t" : "zero" }
> db.mongo_t2.find();
{ "i" : 1, "k" : -1 }
{ "i" : 2, "k" : 2 }
{ "i" : 3, "k" : -3 }
{ "i" : 2, "k" : 4 }
{ "i" : 5, "k" : -5 }
{ "i" : 5, "k" : -5 }
{ "i" : 0, "k" : null }
{ "i" : null, "k" : null }
{ "i" : null, "k" : 0 }
# The JOIN result with NULL compare in MongoDB:
from: "mongo_t2",
let: {ref1: "$i"},
$eq:["$i", "$$ref1"]
$project: {_id: 0}
as: "mongo_t2"
$unwind: "$mongo_t2"
_id: 0
{ "i" : 1, "j" : 4, "t" : "one", "mongo_t2" : { "i" : 1, "k" : -1 } }
{ "i" : 2, "j" : 3, "t" : "two", "mongo_t2" : { "i" : 2, "k" : 2 } }
{ "i" : 2, "j" : 3, "t" : "two", "mongo_t2" : { "i" : 2, "k" : 4 } }
{ "i" : 3, "j" : 2, "t" : "three", "mongo_t2" : { "i" : 3, "k" : -3 } }
{ "i" : 5, "j" : 0, "t" : "five", "mongo_t2" : { "i" : 5, "k" : -5 } }
{ "i" : 5, "j" : 0, "t" : "five", "mongo_t2" : { "i" : 5, "k" : -5 } }
{ "i" : 0, "j" : null, "t" : "zero", "mongo_t2" : { "i" : 0, "k" : null } }
{ "i" : null, "j" : null, "t" : "null", "mongo_t2" : { "i" : null, "k" : null } }
{ "i" : null, "j" : null, "t" : "null", "mongo_t2" : { "i" : null, "k" : 0 } }
{ "i" : null, "j" : 0, "t" : "zero", "mongo_t2" : { "i" : null, "k" : null } }
{ "i" : null, "j" : 0, "t" : "zero", "mongo_t2" : { "i" : null, "k" : 0 } }
Based on returned results from PostgreSQL and MongoDB, the returned result in MongoDB contains the value has i = NULL (4 records) but PostgreSQL has 2 records. Two records in PostgreSQL are from LEFT JOIN outter relation.
If the BSON document key contains uppercase letters or occurs within a nested document,
requires the corresponding column names to be declared in double quotes. -
Note that PostgreSQL limits column names to 63 characters by default. If you need column names that are longer, you can increase the
constant insrc/include/pg_config_manual.h
, compile, and re-install. -
Filter condition (WHERE/HAVING): Not support for the following cases:
- WHERE clause is true/false or any column/expression with boolean type
- WHERE clause containing arthmetic operator expression
- WHERE clause containing comparing operator inside another comparison expression
- WHERE clause containing the right operand is the JSON/JSONB constant
If PostgreSQL query contains whole-row reference under an outer JOIN, mongo_fdw cannot support it, because there is no way to expose whole-row reference in BSON document. For example SQL:
EXPLAIN VERBOSE select t1.c2, count(t2.*) from ft1 t1 left join ft1 t2 on (t1.c2 = t2.c1) group by t1.c2 order by 1;
Mongo FDW can query the whole collection as 1 JSON column by creating a foreign table with name __doc and type is JSON/JSONB. The name __doc is mandatory.
Have a fix for a bug or an idea for a great new feature? Great! Check out the contribution guidelines here.
This project will be modified to maintain compatibility with new PostgreSQL and EDB Postgres Advanced Server releases.
If you need commercial support, please contact the EnterpriseDB sales team, or check whether your existing PostgreSQL support provider can also support mongo_fdw.
Portions Copyright (c) 2004-2022, EnterpriseDB Corporation. Portions Copyright © 2012–2014 Citus Data, Inc. Portions Copyright (c) 2021, TOSHIBA CORPORATION
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file for full details.