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🧪 API Rewrite
🧪 API Rewrite
This bug/suggestion will/may be fixed/implemented with the ongoing rewrite of the chemistry API
🐛 Bug
🐛 Bug
Something isn't working as intended
🤝 Compatibility
🤝 Compatibility
Bugs and suggestions related to compatibility with other mods
🪐 Meta
🪐 Meta
Something outside of the mod itself, such as the GitHub
✈️ Non-Destroy Bug
✈️ Non-Destroy Bug
Unintended behaviour due to problems with another mod
👋 PRs Welcome
👋 PRs Welcome
I can't (or don't want to) fix this. Can you?
❌ Rejected
❌ Rejected
Intentional "bug", or suggestion which will never be implemented in its current form
💭 Suggestion
💭 Suggestion
New features to improve Destroy
💬 Translation
💬 Translation
A PR which helps localize Destroy, or a bug or suggestion pertaining to that
🤷 Unconfirmed Bug
🤷 Unconfirmed Bug
Bugs which cannot be reliably reproduced