I'm a second year Computer Engineering student mainly focusing on game development. I also make plugins to be used in the Godot engine. Most of my work is open source.
oniki - An open-source bullet-hell RPG made with Godot (wip)
ascii-puzzle-game - A simple puzzle game with ascii graphics (wip)
cheys-background-addon - A simple plugin to put a background image behind your Godot editor
godotstg - A Godot plugin that offers an easy way to make STG battles/games (wip)
inline-color-picker - Simple plugin that adds a color picker button next to the colors defined in your code
cheys-visual-movie-maker - A video editor that lets you make videos using Godot's features (wip)
etanks - Simple ComputerCraft program to keep track of your ender tanks
advent-of-code - Scripts I wrote for Advent of Code