Web app created to replicate the functionalities of the dating app, Tinder, from scratch.
To install on your local machine and inspect the code live, here are the instructions: Prep: Please make sure you have Docker running on your machine (or install if needed, use init_docker.sh script if not working)
- git clone https://github.com/pawaters/dating-app
docker-compose up --build
in the root directory (takes 3 minutes)- To create users, go to /script folder, Run
docker-compose up --build
(takes 3 minutes) - Go to
in your browser,localhost:8080
for db admin, All fake users' password is Matcha1!
I recommend using one of the 500 generated users:
- username: Nestor4
- Password: Matcha1!
Or you can create your own user by going to signup, creating your own user, with a profile pic, some interests, so you can get matched.
Node.js, Express, React, Redux, Material UI and PostgreSQL. The main limitation is that we could not use ORM, Validators nor User Accounts manager - which we all did manually. Socket.io for chat. Docker (docker-compose). Architectural pattern: MVC. Basically:
- View: The react front end part, each with components for each part
- Models: db. (no ORM like Mongoose allowed by subject)
- Controllers: Mainly server/routes. How you use the data and give it to frontend.
Design pattern: Single-Page Application.
- Model for UI: https://tinder.com/
- Project Management: Jira: https://pawaters.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/MA/board
- Style guide: Eslint standard, Full stack open style.
Testing was done following this 8 page checklist, through 5 code reviews: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hz3gyfPtxPVSupyhQobf11oACNEK45tm/view?usp=sharing
fame rating
- 5 pts for profile setup
- 2 pts per picture
- 1 pt per tag
- 10 points per like
- 5 points per match
our strategy to display a list of suggestions We have a react component "recommended previews" that takes 2 inputs:
- max browsing criteria, in store (age, fame, distance)
- filtered users, in state --> according to sex orientation, a max distance then with at least one common tag, then those are sorted by dividing the distance from the user by the amount of common tags to the power of 2. This is the default "recommended" sort.
Project constraints: Forbidden tech: ORM, Validators,User Accounts manager: do your own! DB: has to be relational or graph-oriented (no Mongo - it is a document-oriented platform) --> PostgreSQL.
List of features:
- User interface (nav, search, UI. )
- User registration and login with email verification.
- User can edit his profile.
- ser can search for other users.
- User can like other users.
- User can see who liked him.
- User can see who visited his profile.
- User can chat with other users.
- User can see who is online.
- Displaying other users according to the current user's country and interests.
- The ability to view other users profiles "The user are able to see several users at once".
- After liking, if the other user likes the current user back, they are able to chat.
- Chat room that saves conversations (maybe not needed).
UI In terms of UI/design, the goal is to make it look as close to tinder as possible:
- screenshots of what each page should look like: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c18F3lTgLd5f-Wyzs96uWyAMgPfUeKDstlJScuaYvVk/edit?usp=sharing
Database schema: https://dbdiagram.io/d/638a0414bae3ed7c45445946