Yet another Audiobookshelf client, this time focusing on the Fire Stick (and maybe other Android devices).
I know I can cast from other apps. And I know I can use the web interface.
The "issue" is that both options don't provide, IMHO, a good experience.
Although I haven't read (so far! It's on my reading list) Fahrenheit 451, I could not think of a more connected name when talking about books and a Fire Stick.
The intention (so far) is to create a client for the Audiobookshelf API.
No admin features are planned.
And, to be clear I'm not affiliated with Audiobookshelf in any way.
- Login
- List libraries
- List library items (books and podcasts)
- Vew library item details (book and podcast)
- View available episodes for a podcast
- Play library item (podcasts and books) - very basic UI
- Sync play progress with Audiobookshelf server