App created to study about architecture android.
Home Screen / Movie List Screen | Movie Details Screen |
- Initial layouts (movie list screen and movie details screen)
- CardView
- RecyclerView + Adapter
- Single activity with fragments
- AppBar with menus
- Navigation Drawer
- Navigation Components: Navigation Graph, NavHostFragment, NavController
- Integration of App Bar and Navigation Drawer with Navigation Components
- ViewModel
- ViewModel
- Databinding
- LiveData
- Observable
- Refactoring
- States
- Gradle
- Permissions
- APIRest
- Retrofit
- Moshi
- Glide
- Refactoring
- BuildConfig
- MediatorLiveData
- Carousel
- RatingBar
- Asynchronous Programming
- Coroutines
- Async and Await
- Refactoring
- MVVM architecture
- Data Persistence
- Room
- Refactoring
- MVVM architecture
- Design Patterns
- Repository
- Data Source
- Refactoring
- MVVM architecture
- SOLID principles
- Inversion of control principle
- Dependency injection
- Hilt
- Unit tests
- Mock
- JUnit
- Refactoring
- MVVM architecture
- Cache
- UseCase