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Patrick@FullStory edited this page Apr 30, 2020 · 15 revisions

Data Export V2 API

This API is available to FullStory customers participating in a private beta of the new Data Export API. If you are interested in participating in the beta, please email [email protected].

The segex CLI tool is built on this API.

The data dictionary for event export is on the current API docs site:


API access is controlled via Basic Authorization. Your API key must be included in an Authorization HTTP request header:

headers: {
  Authorization: `Basic ${apiKey}`,
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

POST /segments/v1/exports

Kick off a segment export job.

Request fields

segement_id (string)

The segment id of the segment created in FullStory. See finding a segment created in FullStory.

type (string)

Allowed values are TYPE_EVENT and TYPE_INDIVIDUAL

format (string)

Allowed values are FORMAT_NDJSON and FORMAT_CSV

time_range (object)

The time_range object has two fields: start and end formatted as RFC 3339 timestamps.

time_range: {
  start: string,
  end: string

Response fields

operation_id (string)

The Id of the backend job that performs the segment export. Used by /operations/v1/${operation_id} to get the completion status of the export job.

GET /operations/v1/${operation_id}

Retrieve the status of a segment export job.

Request parameters

operation_id (string)

The Id of the backend job that performs the segment export. Returned in the POST /segments/v1/exports response.

Response fields

state (string)

The current state of the export job.

estimatePctComplete (int)

Estimated completion of the export job

results (object)

The search export result Id and expiration date

results: {
 searchExportId: string,
 expires: string

GET /search/v1/exports/${searchExportId}/results

Retrieve a URL to download a data file in the format specified in POST /segments/v1/exports. This URL expires after a set amount of time.

Request parameters

searchExportId (string)

The searchExportId returned from the GET /operations/v1/${operation_id} response.

Response fields

location (string)

The URL path to download the export data file. The file is a compressed (*.gz) file formatted as specified in POST /segments/v1/exports. It will need to be uncompressed to be read.

expires (string)

The expiration date for the location URL. Once expired, the file is no longer available at location.