Release song: https://youtu.be/zUzd9KyIDrM?si=bPS9Qu1t351eZEHH
Passbolt is pleased to announce that the v4.9.0 Release Candidate is officially available for testing.
This maintenance release aims to improve performance, notably 40% improvements of the resources & users endpoints. On the browser extension side, the grid now shows the folder location and a much-awaited feature on the ability to search folders.
As always, your feedback is invaluable, so please share and report any issues you come across.
[4.9.0-rc.1] - 2024-07-18
- PB-33690 Improves response times by adding an index to gpgkeys.user_id column
- PB-33639 Adds additional contain parameters to share/search-aros.json for enhanced performance
- PB-33936 Adds a has-users filter to gpgkeys.json index endpoint
- PB-33813 Adds a fixed limit to the search-aros.json endpoint
- PB-33429 As a user I should retrieve resources and folders parent folders in a single query
- PB-33826 Improves the performance of resources.json by improving the datetime fields processing
- PB-24995 Improves last_logged_in property query performance to reduce response time of users.json endpoint
- PB-33653 Improves is_mfa_enabled property query performance to reduce response time of users.json endpoint
- PB-33702 Improves has-access filter performance on users.json
- PB-32591 Validate passbolt.plugins.smtpSettings.security configuration values before passing it to SMTP server
- PB-33214 Update sql export / improve mysql backup command compatibility with mariadb-dump
- PB-33747 Fix command injections vulnerabilities in composer/composer package
- PB-33616 As a user creating a resource I should get a validation error if the secret is a string and not an array
- PB-33692 Bump enygma/yubikey to v3.8