A Numeric TextBox for Blazor.
- Localizable
- Custom formatting
- Dynamic CSS classes
- Can set a MaxLength
- Copy and paste compatible
Available on Nuget as BlazorNumericTextBox.
In your _Imports.razor file add
@using BlazorNumericTextBox
Now you can add the input in any of your components
Customize with:
- @bind-Value: Binds to a decimal value.
- Format: Format using any of standard numeric format strings.
- MaxLength: How many characters the user can enter.
- Class: CSS classes to add.
- BaseClass: The CSS class to use for the basic formatting, you need this because if has no styling on its own. By default assumes form-control from Bootstrap.
- Id: Customize the id attribute used, it you need to access it using Javascript interop.
- Style: Add a style tag to the output.
- ConditionalFormatting: You can provide a function to apply dynamic classes. In example: change the color for negative values.
- SelectOnEntry: When the textbox get focus all of it's contents are selected automatically.
- Culture: The culture to use in parsing and formatting the number. Defaults to the value of System.Globalizacion.CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture.
You end with something like
<NumericTextBox @bind-Value="NumericProperty" Format="###,##0.00" Style="max-width:20em;"></NumericTextBox>
You can set global defaults for some of this values setting the appropiate values in the static class NumericTextBoxDefaults. As an example, you could make all the numeric textboxes selected when they got focus including NumericTextBoxDefaults.SelectOnEntry = true in your program initialization.
Check the included sample to see it live.
In version 3 a breaking change was introduced. Previously the control would capture the dot key and replace it to a comma for easier typing in countries where the comma is used as a decimal separator.
Now this feature is opt-in. For more information check #4