- Graphql - I know Marc is investigating it at Photocrowd and I've played with it a tiny bit (suggested by Ian)
- Documentation - Stuff like sphinx, readthedocs, writethedocs, documentation driven development. Cory mentioned sphinx in a recent talk - he might be a good person to ask, either to give a talk or to advise on other speakers (suggested by Ian)
- Package maintainership - something like Matt Westcott from Torchbox a talking about lessons from maintaining Wagtail, release cycles, issue triaging, api stability etc (suggested by Craig)
- Oxhack intro - Introduction to Oxford hackspace from Lauren Hutchinson (suggestion by Piers)
Just to keep track of numbers attending:
2016-12-05: 9 attendees. 4 from OxfordPython and 5 from the Hackspace.