Shell is a pluggable configuration for ZSH. Mainly focusing Linux-based systems (partially also Mac OS X), it provides helpful functions, aliases and PATH definitions for a variety of tools you might be using.
Configurations exist for tools/SDKs like Android SDK, Docker, Emacs, Git, Goenv, powerline, pyenv, rbenv, Rust and tilix.
Via install script
$ curl -L | bash
Configurations can be found in ~/.zsh/env-available/
. To enable e.g. the Android-SDK config ~/.zsh/env-available/zshenv-android
symlink the config:
$ cd ~/.zsh/env-enabled && ln -nsf ../env-available/zshenv-android
Repeat by linking any other configuration you need. Restart your terminal session.
Note: Make sure to check each configuration for sanity and correctness!
Modify zshrc:
Set your theme. A preview of Oh My ZSH! themes can be found in the official Themes documentation.
Load your ZSH plugins. A list of all plugins can be found in the official ZSH - Plugins documentation.
plugins=(common-aliases colored-man-pages colorize <ADD_MORE_HERE>)