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338 repositories
PublicThe Australian Government, through Positioning Australia (part of Geoscience Australia), is funding the design, development and operational service of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) position correction system - the Ginan service and toolkit. The application of the Ginan correction service by a GNSS device has the potential to increa…- This repository contains all the code necessary for the monthly running of the GDA2020 update process. This includes the post-processing of the APREF time series combination solution, the NGCA processing, and the least-squares adjustment of the national geodetic network.
PublicGenerating intertidal elevation, exposure and extents from satellite earth observation data and ocean tide modellingdea-config
Public- DEA Knowledge Hub — The Knowledge Hub brings together information about Digital Earth Australia’s products and services, allowing you to utilise our free and open-source satellite imagery archive.
- Tide modelling tools for large-scale satellite earth observation analysis
- Repository for Digital Earth Australia Jupyter Notebooks: tools and workflows for geospatial analysis with Open Data Cube and Xarray
PublicHigh Quality Geophysical Analysis provides a general purpose Bayesian and deterministic inversion framework for various geophysical methods and spatially distributed / timeseries datatcrm
PublicA statistical-parametric model for assessing wind hazard from tropical cyclonesGeodePy
PublicHigh Performance Seismologic Data and Metadata Processing Systemsar-rtc-opera
Public- basic python module for gnss analysis
PublicThis codes filters the usgs landsat path/row and esa's sentinel 2 mgrs tiles to a extent defined by the auxiliary extent.uncover-ml