v0.1 by Blake Davis / organizedSlop
A collection of Swift type extensions, SwiftUI views, and other utilities.
Returns the string stripped of all non-alphanumeric characters.
public func alphanumeric(keepWhiteSpace: Bool = false) -> String
Returns the string stripped of all HTML entities (both encoded and decoded).
public func handleHTML() -> String
Returns the string with all HTML entities decoded. (E.g. “<p>Example</p>” becomes “<p>Example</p>”.)
func decodeHTML() -> String
Returns the string stripped of all HTML entities.
func stripHTML() -> String
Returns the equivalent optional boolean value for the string, or nil if not applicable.
func toBool() -> Bool?
Returns the wrapped value of an optional string, or an empty string if the input is nil.
static func emptyIfNil(_ optionalString: String?) -> String
Returns the calculated width (in points) of a string rendered with a given font.
func width(usingFont font: UIFont) -> CGFloat
Returns the calculated height (in points) of a string rendered with a given font.
func height(usingFont font: UIFont) -> CGFloat
Returns the calculated width and height (in points) of a string rendered with a given font.
func size(usingFont font: UIFont) -> CGSize
A view that cycles through a string of text.
struct MarqueeText: View
init (_ text: String)
A view that renders text with HTML formatting.
<h1>Attributed Text</h1>
<h2>Convert HTML tags</h2>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
init(_ htmlString: String, tags: Dictionary<String, (Text) -> (Text)>? = nil)
A view that arranges its subviews in a horizontal or vertical line, depending on its orientation.
struct DynamicStack<Content: View>: View
init(_ orientation: Axis.Set,
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment = .center,
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment = .center,
spacing: CGFloat? = nil,
isShowingDividers: Bool = false,
@ViewBuilder content: @escaping () -> Content)