- Prayer time for Mal'e and Addu can be viewed
- Corona data can be viewed
- Prayer time for Mal'e and Addu can be viewed
- Can get chat ID
- Valorant Tracker (can view valorant accounts)
- Archive messages in a hardcoded mentioned group
- Cannot Archive private messages
- Cannot Arcive in the Archive group
- Help command to get information about the other commands
- Message when a user joins a group
- Message when a user leaves a group
(Not recommended to use in groups)
- Prayer time for Mal'e and Addu can be viewed
- Can get chat ID
- Valorant Tracker (can view valorant accounts)
- Archive messages in a hardcoded mentioned group
- Can only Archive private messages
- Cannot Archive in groups
- Help command to get information about the other commands
- No Events
- DB integration
- Login system to claim profiles (vague idea)
- More data on search
- Archive valorant not related commands