FastR - GraalVM Community Edition 1.0 RC12
Pre-releaseFastR is a GNU R compatible implementation of R for GraalVM. It is currently based on R 3.5.1, reuses the base packages of GNU R and is compatible with the ecosystem.
For example, FastR can install and run unmodified complex R packages like ggplot2, Shiny, or Rcpp, for compatibility with other packages please refer to the compatibility checker:
Being implemented on top of GraalVM, FastR uses its state-of-the-art JIT compiler and has better peak performance, often several times faster than GNU R.
The R language components can be installed in GraalVM using the gu utility.
More information is available on the GraalVM website:
New features in RC12:
- the implementation of the TruffleLanguage#toString method uses R function print
- for example: the console in Chrome DevTools will print data.frames formatted like R would
Added missing R builtins and C API
- FastR provides GNU-R compatible parseData for expressions parsed via parse(...,keep.source=T)
- format.POSIXlt supports following formats: %z, %Z, %x, %X.
- dummy implementation of the ALTREP framework to avoid linking problems. Most of the functions fail at runtime. #48
Bug fixes:
- sys.calls gives wrong result when eval with envir argument is on the call stack
- was not correctly handling lists, for example: 42))
- transfer srcref attribute to the result of .subset and [
- matrix(1,nrow=NULL,ncol=NULL) caused internal FastR error instead of R user level error
- option --polyglot works with the native image of FastR
- added native functions optim() and optimness()
- fixed various race conditions in parallel package
- strsplit(...,perl=T) does not end up in an infinite loop if the pattern is not found by pcre_exec
- as.character.factor error for levels containing NAs
- env2list error for environments containing pairlists
- body<- error for non-scalar values
- unlink error for paths containing wildcard(s) but no path separator
- dims attribute errorneously set to RDoubleVector; exception when retrieving the dims #49
- issues with the dplyr's mutate and transmute: #50 and #51