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@sorccu sorccu released this 24 Mar 15:36
· 156 commits to master since this release

3.3.0 (2018-03-25)


  • Added a new column to the device list that displays the OpenGL ES version of each device. Note that you may have to reset the columns once if you can't see it. Thanks @koral--!
  • Added a new --no-screen-reset option to disable the default behavior of resetting rotation and returning to the home screen after a user stops using a device. Thanks @0rzech!
  • Added a new --saml-id-provider-callback-url option to the auth-saml2 unit. Thanks @0rzech!


  • Fixed a setup issue with TPS650.
  • Fixed an issue where most uploads would fail due to a breaking configuration change in a dependency.
  • Updated minitouch to fix multitouch issues on some devices that require the BTN_TOUCH kernel event. Lifting a contact while having and keeping one held down may have prevented any events from being processed until a new touchdown event.