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Open Poen

Publish transactions of government subsidized projects


Docker Compose


  • Clone or download this project from GitHub
  • In the docker directory create the files secrets-db-name.txt, secrets-db-user.txt and secrets-db-password.txt and add the database name, user and password (either new values if starting from scratch or existing if importing a database) on the first line of the corresponding file
  • Copy to and edit it
    • Create a SECRET_KEY as per the instructions in the file
    • Specify email related information in order for the application to send emails
  • Production
    • Link a main Bunq account to Open Poen (you need to do this in order to link other Bunq accounts to projects using OAuth)
      • Edit and add values for BUNQ_CLIENT_ID and BUNQ_CLIENT_SECRET; you can obtain these from the Bunq app (you need a Bunq bank account) 'Profile > Security & Settings > Developers > OAuth > Show client details' and also make sure to add as redirect URL (include the trailing slash!)
    • Make sure to copy the latest database backup from docker/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/backups to docker/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d if you want to import it
    • cd docker
    • sudo docker-compose up -d
    • Compile the assets, see the section below
    • Set up a crawl of all Bunq bank accounts connected to projects to retrieve new payments every minute
      • sudo crontab -e and add the following line
      • * * * * * (sleep 10; sudo docker exec poen_app_1 flask bunq get-new-payments-all)
    • Set up daily backups for the database
      • To run manually use sudo docker exec poen_db_1 ./
      • To set a daily cronjob at 03:26
        • sudo crontab -e and add the following line
        • 26 3 * * * sudo docker exec poen_db_1 ./
      • The resulting SQL backup files are saved in docker/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/backups
  • Development; Flask debug will be turned on which automatically reloads any changes made to Flask files so you don't have to restart the whole application manually
    • Make sure to copy the latest database backup from docker/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/backups to docker/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d if you want to import it
    • cd docker
    • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
    • Link a main Bunq account to Open Poen (you need to do this in order to link other Bunq accounts to projects using OAuth); you can use either a Production (actual) Bunq account or a Sandbox Bunq account; Note that you can only link other production Bunq accounts to projects via OAuth if your main Open Poen Bunq account is also a production account (and vice versa for sandbox accounts)
      • If you want to use a Sandbox Bunq account: create a new Sandbox account and copy the telephone number and login code (its config is written to bunq-sandbox.conf; remove this config if you want generate a new Sandbox Bunq account): docker exec -it poen_app_1 flask bunq create-sandbox-user
      • Edit (if you want to use the Sandbox account: set BUNQ_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE to ApiEnvironmentType.SANDBOX) and add values for BUNQ_CLIENT_ID and BUNQ_CLIENT_SECRET; you can obtain these from the Bunq (Sandbox) app for Android via 'Profile > Security & Settings > Developers > OAuth > Show client details' and also make sure to add as redirect URL (include the trailing slash! And yes make sure to use 'https' even in the dev/sandbox environment, even though you need to visit via http:// yourself locally)
    • Compile the assets, see the section below
    • Retrieve the IP address of the nginx container sudo docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.Networks.poen_internal.IPAddress}}' poen_nginx_1 and add it to your hosts file /etc/hosts: <IP_address>
    • You can now visit in your browser
  • Useful commands
    • Run the tests: sudo docker exec -it poen_app_1 nosetests
    • Remove and rebuild everything (NOTE: this also removes the database volume containing all transaction data (this is required if you want to load the .sql files from docker/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d again))
      • Production: sudo docker-compose down --rmi all && sudo docker volume rm poen_db && sudo docker-compose up -d
      • Development: sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml down --rmi all && sudo docker volume rm poen_db && sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
    • Reload Nginx: sudo docker exec poen_nginx_1 nginx -s reload
    • Reload uWSGI (only for production as development environment doesn't use uWSGI and automatically reloads changes): touch uwsgi-touch-reload

Compile assets

  • Install all packages (only need to run once after installation or when you change packages): sudo docker exec poen_node_1 yarn


  • Build CSS/JS to static/dist directory: sudo docker exec poen_node_1 yarn prod


  • Build CSS/JS to static/dist directory (with map files): sudo docker exec poen_node_1 yarn dev
  • Automatically build CSS/JS when a file changes (simply refresh the page in your browser after a change): sudo docker exec poen_node_1 yarn watch


To access the CLI of the app run sudo docker exec -it poen_app_1 bash and run for example flask and flask database to see the available commands. Here are some CLI commands:

Database commands

  • flask database add-user --email <EMAIL_ADDRESS> --admin adds an admin user (an admin user can create projects on and can edit a project to connect it to a Bunq bank account)

Database migration commands

Use these after the database is in production and you need to change the database model.

  • After changing the model: flask db migrate -m <message>
  • Apply the new migration to the database: flask db upgrade
  • If you need to downgrade: flask db downgrade

Bunq commands

  • flask bunq get-new-payments-all gets all payments from all IBANs belonging to all projects

To enter the database

  • sudo docker exec -it poen_db_1 psql -U <DB_USER> <DB_NAME> retrieve database user and name from docker/secrets-db-user.txt and docker/secrets-db-name.txt

Database architecture

To open the database architecture file open_poen_architecture.drawio open it via or via the desktop app


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