This repository contains examples of how to use the National Rail Live Departure Boards Staff VersionWeb Service (OpenLDBSVWS), located at the following URL:
To use the service, you will need a token which is available by signing up at the following URL:
Two examples are included:
Edit GetDepartureBoardExample
and set LDB_TOKEN to your own token.
Next, generate a set of classes from the WSDL file by running:
mvn generate-sources
This will create a number of files in src/main/java/com/thalesgroup which you can use in your own code to call the OpenLDBSVWS.
Runing GetDepartureBoardExample
will show you departures for
London Euston.
Edit GetReferenceDataExample
and set LDB_TOKEN to your own token.
Next, generate a set of classes from the WSDL file by running:
mvn generate-sources
This will create a number of files in src/main/java/com/thalesgroup which you can use in your own code to call the OpenLDBSVWS.
Runing GetReferenceDataExample
will show you all TOC codes and
the operator's name.
Periodically, a new version of the WSDL will be released at:
This code is written for version 2021-11-01 and reference data version
2021-11-01. To update it to use a later version, edit pom.xml
and change the URL for the WSDL inside the plugins
For support and questions with using the OpenLDBSVWS, please use the forum at the following URL: