Replace < Your GUID queue > below using your API queue GUID, you should be able to subscribe to the Darwin real-time feed. The key here is to treat the gzip compressed message as a memory based gzip file, so when you read the file, it automatically ungzips for you.
Raise issues if you encounter any problems.
import stomp, gzip, StringIO, xml
class MyListener(object):
# def __init__ (self, conn):
# self._conn = conn
def on_error(self, headers, message):
print('received an error %s' % message)
def on_message(self, headers, message):
fp = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj = StringIO.StringIO(message))
text = fp.readlines()
print('%s\n' % text)
# self._conn.ack(id=headers['message-id'], subscription=headers['subscription'])
conn = stomp.Connection([('', 61613)])
conn.set_listener('', MyListener())
conn.connect(username = 'd3user', passcode = 'd3password', wait=False)
conn.subscribe(destination='/queue/<your GUID queue>', id=1, ack='auto')
#conn.send(body=' '.join(sys.argv[1:]), destination='')
mydata = raw_input('Prompt :')
sample XML results:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Pport xmlns:fc=""
<uR updateOrigin="TD">
<TS rid="201505100725954" uid="Y62668" ssd="2015-05-10">
<fc:Location tpl="MEADWHL" wta="18:15:30" wtd="18:16:30" pta="18:16" ptd="18:16">
<fc:arr et="18:16" wet="18:14" src="TD" />
<fc:dep et="18:16" src="Darwin" />
<fc:plat platsrc="M">2</fc:plat>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Pport xmlns:fc="" xmlns:ct="" ts="2015-05-10T18:11:02.7643958+01:00" version="12.0" xmlns=""><uR updateOrigin="CIS" requestSource="at05" requestID="0000000000016151"><TS rid="201505100742207" uid="G98575" ssd="2015-05-10"><fc:Location tpl="BLGRVE" wta="18:11" wtd="18:11:30" pta="18:11" ptd="18:11"><fc:arr at="18:12" src="TD" /><fc:dep et="18:12" src="Darwin" /><fc:plat platsrc="A" conf="true">2</fc:plat></fc:Location></TS></uR></Pport>