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Rory Aronson edited this page Jul 18, 2015 · 7 revisions

Documenting User Flows (Scenarios)

For testing/documentation purposes.

Structure is:

  • Brief title expected step-by-step walk through

Existing Flows


  • Normal log in Access homepage, click on log in,
  • Forgot password Access homepage, click on log in, enter e-mail and wrong password, get notified of mistake,
  • Normal register Access homepage, click on register
  • Delete account Access homepage, click on "Account Settings" (must be logged in), enter current password, click "Permanently Delete Account"
  • Change profile picture Access homepage, click on "My Profile" (must be logged in), click on "Edit Profile", click on "Leaf icon", select image, wait for upload to finish, click "Save Changes"

Favorite Crops

  • Set favorite crop for the first time Member accesses their profile page and they haven't set a favorite crop yet. They type in their favorite crop, select it, and it gets set.
  • Edit favorite time member accesses their profile page. Member sees what their favorite crop is. Clicks on "edit favorite crop". They choose a new favorite crop.


  • View guide Access home page, enter search term, click on crop (optional), click on guide
  • Edit a guide From Guide click on Edit Guide
  • Fail to edit a guide if don't own guide Would have to have typed in edit URL manually
  • Upload action pictures to a guide
  • Add guide to garden Access Guide page, click "Add to Garden", select Garden (member must have a garden)
  • Delete Guide 1 Access Guide page (that current member owns), click "Delete Guide", click confirmation dialog, Guide is deleted
  • Delete Guide 2 Access Member Profile (of current member), click "trashcan icon" next to Guide, click confirmation dialog, Guide is deleted (current member must have a Guide)
  • See compatibility score Access Guide page (must be logged in)


  • View crop Access homepage, enter search term, click search, click Crop
  • Search for specific crop Access home page, enter search term, click search
  • Edit crop Access Crop page, click "Edit Crop", enter data in field, click "Save Crop"
  • Add crop to garden Access Crop page, click "Add to Garden", select Garden (must be logged in and have Garden)
  • Add picture to crop Access Crop page, click "Edit Crop", click "leaf icon", select image from computer, wait for upload to finish, click "Save Crop"


  • Create garden Access homepage, click "My Profile" (must be logged in), click "Add Garden", enter new garden name, click "Create New Garden"
  • Edit a garden Access homepage, click "My Profile" (must be logged in), click "Edit Garden" (must have a Garden), change garden info, click "Save Garden"
  • Edit a garden and add an image Access homepage, click "My Profile" (must be logged in), click "Edit Garden" (must have a Garden), click "leaf icon", select image, wait for upload to complete, click "Save Garden"
  • Delete a garden Access homepage, click "My Profile" (must be logged in), click "Destroy Garden" (must have a Garden), click "OK" in confirmation dialog

Future Flows

Any flows that don't exist yet but should.