Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Python
A simple, yet powerful control method for when a PID controller just doesn't cut it.
- Discrete linear time invariant active disturbance rejection controller for digital control systems.
- Implementation in state-space representation form of first- and second-order ADRC.
- For practical application - half-gain tuning, magnitude and rate limiter for actuator limitations
- User guide and/or theoretical background (for when you don't have anything else to read).
- A first/second-order LTI model generator and a quadcopter altitude model for experimentation, testing and verification.
Installing pyadrc is really simple, just run this command in your terminal:
pip install pyadrc
or you can clone the repository and install it manually:
git clone git://
cd pyadrc
python install
pyadrc is licenced under the MIT Licence
None of this work would be possible without Gernot Herbst and his papers:
- Practical Active Disturbance Rejection Control: Bumpless Transfer, Rate Limitation and Incremental Algorithm,
- A Simulative Study on Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) as a Control Tool for Practitioners,
- Transfer Function Analysis and Implementation of Active Disturbance Rejection Control,
- Half-Gain Tuning for Active Disturbance Rejection Control,
- A Minimum-Footprint Implementation of Discrete-Time ADRC,