REST Assured API test automation framework using Java + Maven + TestNG. Framework follows many of the industry best practices.
Step by step instructions to build this framework from scratch and integrate with Jenkins CI is in this Highest Rated Udemy course. Enroll today at the minimal rate of INR 499/ $14.99. Link with coupon code:
- Rest Assured
- TestNG
- Java
- Allure Reports
- Hamcrest
- Jackson API
- Lombok
- IntelliJ
- GitHub
- Jenkins
- Scalable and extensible
- Reusable Rest Assured specifications
- Reusable Rest Assured API requests
- Separation of API layer from test layer
- POJOs for Serialization and Deserialization
- Singleton Design Pattern
- Lombok for reducing Boilerplate code
- Builder pattern for Setter methods in POJOs
- Robust reporting and logging using Allure
- Automate positive and negative scenarios
- Support parallel execution
- Data driven using TestNG Data Provider
- Automated access token renewal
- Maven command line execution
- Integration with Git
- Integration with Jenkins