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Extract info from omatech Editora using closure Eloquent like functions

First make a new instance

// Create a new database connection
$connectionParams = array(
    'dbname' => 'xxx',
    'user' => 'xxx',
    'password' => 'xxx',
    'host' => 'xxx',
    'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
		'charset' => 'utf8mb4'
$conn = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams, new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration());

// Set-up the global params of the extraction (language,...) (See the "Global Params" section for more info)
$params = [
	'lang' => 'es'
	, 'debug' => false
	, 'metadata' => true
// Instantiate the extractor using the connection and params			
$e=new Extractor($conn, $params);

Extract information using the extractor

findInstanceByIdAllElements($inst_id, $params = null, $num = null, $level = 1, callable $callback = null)

  • inst_id * (id of the instance to be extracted)
  • params (particular params for this extraction, see "Extraction Params" and "Instance Params" for more info)
  • level number of relations to extract
  • callback (closure function)

findInstanceById($inst_id, $params, callable $callback = null);

  • inst_id * (id of the instance to be extracted)
  • params (particular params for this extraction, see "Extraction Params" and "Instance Params" for more info)
  • callback (closure function)

findInstancesInClass($class, $num=null, $params=null, callable $callback = null)

  • class * (id or tag of the class)
  • num (number of instances to extract, if not set get all instances of the class. Use an int to not use pagination or syntax "10/2" to give the records 11 to 20) (see paginator section for details)
  • params (particular params for this extraction, see "Extraction Params" and "Instance Params" for more info)
  • callback (closure function)

Extraction params

  • order = order class instances by order criteria, update_date|publishing_begins|inst_id|key_fields|order_date|order_string default publishing_begins
  • order_direction = direction of the order by clause, desc|asc defaults to asc

findInstancesInList($inst_ids, $num=null, $class=null, $params = null, callable $callback = null)

  • inst_ids * (comma separated ids of instances to extract)
  • num (number of instances to extract, if not set get all instances of the class). Use an int to not use pagination or syntax "10/2" to give the records 11 to 20) (see paginator section for details)
  • class (filter one particular class by tag or id)
  • params (particular params for this extraction, see "Extraction Params" and "Instance Params" for more info)
  • callback (closure function)

Note: The order of the extraction is forced by the order of the IDs in the list

findInstancesBySearch($query, $num=null, $class=null, $params = null, callable $callback = null)

  • query * (the search term)
  • num (number of instances to extract, if not set get all instances of the class). Use an int to not use pagination or syntax "10/2" to give the records 11 to 20) (see paginator section for details)
  • class (filter one particular class by tag or id)
  • params (particular params for this extraction, see "Extraction Params" and "Instance Params" for more info)
  • callback (closure function)

Note: The order of the extraction is forced by the relevance of the search term (query)

findRelatedInstances($inst_id, $relation, $num=null, $params = null, callable $callback = null)

  • inst_id * (parent or child instance to start search)
  • relation * (tag or id of the relation)
  • num (number of instances to extract, if not set get all instances of the class). Use an int to not use pagination or syntax "10/2" to give the records 11 to 20) (see paginator section for details)
  • params (particular params for this extraction, see "Extraction Params" and "Instance Params" for more info)
  • callback (closure function)

Extraction params

  • direction (child|parent) Allows to force the direction of the relation for cases where the relation is parent and child of a class, if not set tries to find the direction automatically
  • alias (string) (default tag of the relation) alias of the relation to extract

findChildrenInstances($inst_id, $relation, $num=null, $params = null, callable $callback = null)

(same as findRelatedInstances but forcing child direction)

findParentInstances($inst_id, $relation, $num=null, $params = null, callable $callback = null)

(same as findRelatedInstances but forcing parent direction)

Instance Params

The instance params affect the behaviour of the extraction of the instance itself

  • filter (string) (default all)
    • all - extracts all the attributes of the instance (even if it's value is null)
    • detail - extracts only attributes with the class_attribute.detail='Y'
    • resume - extracts only attributes with the class_attribute.detail='N'
      • only-X - are values only of the attribute_type=X (for example S for string type only)
      • except-Y are values excluding attribute_type=Y (for example K to avoid K attributes that are usually long)
    • fields:fieldname1|fieldname2

Additional calls


  • class * (filter one particular class by tag or id)


  • relation * (tag or id of the relation in case of collision you can use the calls below)

findParentRelation($relation, $inst_id)

  • relation * (tag or id of the relation)
  • inst_id * (instance to start looking at parent relations)

findChildRelation($relation, $inst_id)

  • relation * (tag or id of the relation)
  • inst_id * (instance to start looking at children relations)


Global Params

The format of the params is a key value par in an array, for example:

$params = [ 'lang' => 'es' , 'debug' => false , 'metadata' => true . 'show_inmediate_debug' => true ];

The global params can be:

  • lang (2 characters ISO language code or ALL) (default ALL) ('ALL' for only non-language dependent attributes, 'es' for spanish and non-language dependent attributes, 'en' for english, etc.
  • debug (boolean) (default false) Enable debugging, you can check the debug messages afterwards using $e->debug_messages
  • show_inmediate_debug (boolean) (default false) If debugging is enabled echo directly the debug messages in addition to store them in debug_messages
  • metadata (boolean) (default false) Enable metadata output, info like status, publishing_begins, publishing_ends etc
  • default_limit (int) (default 10000) - Set the default limit when no limit is set in the call
  • cache_expiration (int) (default 3600 (1 hour)) seconds to expire cached instances
  • avoid_cache (boolean) (default false) Prevents the use of the cache system
  • preview (boolean) (default false) Sets the extractor in preview mode
  • preview_date (string mysql date) (default "NOW()") Sets the preview_date of the extractor, only make sense if preview=true, for example preview an extraction in '2020-01-01'
  • extract_values (boolean) (default true) Extracts values of the instance (even null)
  • sql_select_instances (mysql select string) (default: select i.*, class_name, c.tag class_tag, class_id, i.key_fields nom_intern, i.update_date, ifnull(unix_timestamp(i.update_date),0) update_timestamp)
  • timings (boolean) default false show start and end and total milliseconds for each extraction, only make sense if metadata is true
  • extraction_cache_key key of the extraction, for example 'menu' or 'footer' or 'countries'
  • extraction_cache_expiration optional, sets the time of expiration for the extraction cache, if not set cache_expiration is used
  • default_language_to_remove_from_url, sets a language that is removed from the link of each instance, for example if default_language_to_remove_from_url='es' then a usual link generated from extractor '/es/nice-url-in-spanish-instance' is replaced by '/nice-url-in-spanish-instance' only works if is set to a language two character code, for example 'es' or 'en'

Combine extractions with the callable parameter

    $result = $extractor->findInstanceById($id, $params, function ($i) use ($extractor){
        $blocks = $extractor->findChildrenInstances($i, "blocks", null, null, function ($i) use ($extractor){
            $boxes = $extractor->findChildrenInstances($i, "boxes", null, null, null);
            return array_merge($boxes);
        return array_merge($blocks);

How Cache works?

By default all the instances that get extracted from the CMS are cached in memcache, to avoid that behaviour you must set the avoid_cache param.

The instance itself is saved in memcache with the following key: DATABASE_NAME:dbinterface:LANGUAGE:INST_ID:FILTER

The instance cache has an expiration time of 3600 seconds by default but can be changed using the cache_expiration param.

If the instance cached is modified in the CMS the cache is automatically expired, the column update_date is the reference to expire the cache of the instance

If you need to use a cache at an extraction level you can use the built in extraction caching system.

The extraction gets cached until the extraction_cache_expiration seconds are reached, so you must be responsible to clear the cache if you need to or to setup a time brief enough to not get stale content from the CMS

The extraction is saved in memcache with the following key DATABASE_NAME::extractor_cache:EXTRACTION_CACHE_KEY:LANGUAGE

Use the function $e->clearExtractionCache(extraction_cache_key) to clear a particular key (the same that you use extraction_cache_key


In the main calls of the extractor you can use pagination syntax in the $num parameter, for example:

  • use 10/3 to extract page 3 of instances with 10 elements per page
  • use 50/1 to extract first page with 50 elements per page

How to get more info about the pagination once used?

Use the call getPaginator to get all the relevant information about the paginated results.

getPaginator ($prefix='', $postfix='')

  • prefix is the prefix of the url to generate in the results of paginator
  • postfix is the postfix of the url to generate in the results of paginator

for example:

$paginator=$extractor->getPaginator('/ca/news/', '?utm_source=xxx');

This will generate the following output (assuming that the last pagination option was 10/3 third page with 10 elements and that the total records are 51)

		, 'isFirst'=>true
		, 'isLast'=>false
		, 'isCurrent=>false
		, 'isFirst'=>false
		, 'isLast'=>false
		, 'isCurrent=>false
		, 'isFirst'=>false
		, 'isLast'=>false
		, 'isCurrent=>true
		, 'isFirst'=>false
		, 'isLast'=>false
		, 'isCurrent=>false
		, 'isFirst'=>false
		, 'isLast'=>false
		, 'isCurrent=>false
		, 'isFirst'=>false
		, 'isLast'=>true
		, 'isCurrent=>false

Get last updated timestamp from a given extraction

$extractor->last_updated_timestamp; Returns the last updated unix timestamp of all the elements extracted

Test the Extractor

  1. Create a database if not exists with utf8_mb4 and collate utf8_mb4_general_ci in this example assume editora_test in localhost, we'll assume user root and without password
  2. Go to Commands folder

cd Commands

  1. Generate the editora structure (remember to change your database connection params)

php generate-editora.php --from=file --inputformat=array --inputfile=../data/sample_editora_array.php --to=db4 --dbtohost=localhost --dbtouser=root --dbtopass= --dbtoname=editora_test

The command will output 2 users with random passwords, for example:

New user: omatech with password eJjZQU&5 New user: test with password 6r4!QBPB

  1. Populate the editora with fake content

php fake-content.php --to=db4 --dbhost=localhost --dbuser=root --dbpass= --dbname=editora_test --num_instances=6

The command will output something like this:

Content created: 126 instances 959 attributes and 126 relation instances created with batch_id=1533716151

Note: If you want to remove this fake data in the future you can use:

php remove-content.php --to=db4 --dbhost=localhost --dbuser=root --dbpass= --dbname=editora_test --batch_id=1533716151

  1. Go to the root folder of the project

cd ..

  1. Run the tests to see that everything is fine!

In windows

phpunit ./tests/Omatech/Editora/Extractor/ExtractorTest

o in Linux

vendor/bin/phpunit ./tests/Omatech/Editora/Extractor/ExtractorTest


Compare methods

relationInstanceExist($rel_id, $parent_inst_id, $child_inst_id)

existsInstanceWithExternalID($class_id, $external_id)

ExistingInstanceIsDifferent($inst_id, $nom_intern, $values, $status = 'O', &$difference, &$attr_difference)

	// -1 instance not exist
	// -2 status is different
	// -3 nom_intern is different
	// -4 some value is different
	// -5 some value not exists in current instance
	// 0 same!

Insert/Update methods

insertRelationInstance($rel_id, $parent_inst_id, $child_inst_id, $external_id = null, $batch_id = null)

updateInstance($inst_id, $nom_intern, $values, $status = 'O', $publishing_begins = null, $publishing_ends = null)

insertInstanceWithExternalID($class_id, $nom_intern, $external_id, $batch_id, $values, $status = 'O', $publishing_begins = null, $publishing_ends = null, $creation_date = 'now()', $update_date = 'now()') {

insertInstance($class_id, $nom_intern, $values, $status = 'O', $publishing_begins = null, $publishing_ends = null)

insertInstanceForcingID($inst_id, $class_id, $nom_intern, $values, $status = 'O', $publishing_begins = null, $publishing_ends = null)

updateUrlNice($nice_url, $inst_id, $language)

insertUrlNice($nice_url, $inst_id, $language)

Delete methods

deleteInstance ($inst_id)

  • inst_id * (instance to delete)

deleteInstancesWithExternalID ($external_id, $class_id)

deleteRelationInstancesWithExternalID($external_id, $rel_id)






Editora Structure


Generate editora structure from an array or json file


Takes out the editora structure and generates a compatible generator file


Compare two editora structures in two local databases, get a report of the differences between them


Modernize editora DB to include latest changes in DB structure


Reset all the passwords in the database using a string with uppercase, lowercase, symbols and numbers

Content manipulation


Populate the editora CMS with fake content


Export all editora contents to a file or input (json or serialized array)


Import all editora contents from a file or input (json or serialized_array)


Remove all content with a given batch_id or all content except Global and Home if delete_previous_data flag is present



Export strings in one language from editora database to excel file or output


Import strings from an excel, json file or input to editora database



Use data_transfer.php to extract editora4 information and get it into editora5 format


Use Google translate API to automatically translate content


Use migrator.php to extract editora4 information and get it into editora5 format, transfer directly to a db5 database or generate 3 different file formats (full, minimal, generator)


Export all instances to the output or a file in json format.

Attributes types:

  • A: Text Area WYSIWYG
  • B: Short string used to order instances
  • C: Text Area Code
  • D: Date
  • E: Date used to order instances
  • F: File
  • G: Flash File
  • H: Grid Image
  • I: Image
  • K: Text Area CKEDITOR
  • L: Lookup
  • M: Geolocation (Google Maps)
  • N: Number
  • O: Color Selector
  • R: Relation
  • S: Short string
  • T: Text Area HTML
  • U: URL
  • W: Type APP
  • X: XML
  • Y: Video (Youtube or Vimeo)
  • Z: url nice

Class diagram


  • Agusti Pons
  • Christian Bohollo
  • Javier Mogollon
  • Hector Arnau
  • Alvaro Aguilar
  • Cesc Delgado


This project is licensed under the MIT License


No description, website, or topics provided.






No packages published
