There is a raw example where read and subscribe are implemented.
I am using the master branch of open62541 to have this commit open62541/open62541#5445
When creating the build directory use -DUA_ENABLE_INLINABLE_EXPORT=ON to not expose the methods as static inline otherwise the functions will be skipped.
complete command
Multithreading has to be off. We need to run open65421 periodically. Dart does not support multithreading.
Create a directory to build open62541
mkdir open62541_build
Run this from the open62541_build directory
Optionally you can set the log_level inside open62541
Where the levels are defined as follows
600: Fatal
500: Error
400: Warning
300: Info
200: Debug
100: Trace
Now modify the open62541_build/open62541.h file, remove the bitfields from
- UA_DiagnosticsInfo
- UA_DataValue
- UA_DataTypeMember
- UA_DataType
and replace with a single byte. In my experimentation I have added a static_assert and the size remains the same. I am not sure if this will cause issues in the future but seems to generate a much larger section of the library. Example of change
< UA_Boolean hasSymbolicId : 1;
< UA_Boolean hasNamespaceUri : 1;
< UA_Boolean hasLocalizedText : 1;
< UA_Boolean hasLocale : 1;
< UA_Boolean hasAdditionalInfo : 1;
< UA_Boolean hasInnerStatusCode : 1;
< UA_Boolean hasInnerDiagnosticInfo : 1;
> // UA_Boolean hasSymbolicId : 1;
> // UA_Boolean hasNamespaceUri : 1;
> // UA_Boolean hasLocalizedText : 1;
> // UA_Boolean hasLocale : 1;
> // UA_Boolean hasAdditionalInfo : 1;
> // UA_Boolean hasInnerStatusCode : 1;
> // UA_Boolean hasInnerDiagnosticInfo : 1;
> UA_Byte hasBitfield;
Then you can generate the bindings with
dart run ffigen
Some clang errors have been turned off to disable errors coming from macos's pthread library and other standard libraries