Implicit Selector Expressions
Half-closed range a..<b
([a, b)
This is alongside the closed range a..b
([a, b]
binary operator for map
and bit_set
x notin y
(equivalent to !(x in y)
Endian specific integers
Reintroduction of i128
and u128
Labels for blocks and if statements (break
Improved common parsing errors (e.g. C-style ->
for selectors rather than Odin-style .
Import name rules
The import name for the package will try to be determined from the import path
Context-based Logging system
Load a file at compile time as a byte slice
Procedure group syntax change to proc{}
General core library improvements
Odin Parser as part of the core library
import "core:odin/parser"
et al.
New build flag: -define:foo=123
built-in procedure
when #defined(FOO) { ... }
Improved -vet
Replace foreign export
with @export
Experimental Features
odin query
(OGTD file format)
(JSON file format)
(compactify the JSON file)
Related Topics
You can’t perform that action at this time.