timg is a tool that shows images in the terminal (iTerm2 only)
Repeat: iTerm2 only!
NOTICE: Currently, there seems to be a bug with iTerm2 that does not free memory. The current nightly of iTerm2 (Build 3.5.20220624-nightly) that I am using now, seems to fix this and releases the memory when the tab/window of the terminal gets closed.
It still does not free the memory when the scrollback gets cleared with something like:
alias "cls"="clear && printf '\e[3J'"
The memory gets freed when "Clear Buffer" from the menu is used!
This tool was basically made for making the problem reproducible by the developers of iTerm2
Install with: go install github.com/oderwat/timg@latest
This lists all you Photos with a small thumbnail in your terminal: timg -r -h 80 ~/Pictures/Photos\ Library.photoslibrary/originals/
timg - shows a single image or all images of a directory inside the terminal (e.g. ITerm2)
timg [global options] [commands] [comand options]
The default command is show and can be omitted. See 'timg h show' for help.
Examples: 'timg ~/Pictures/', 'timg -r -h 80 ~/Pictures/Photos\ Library.photoslibrary/originals/'
panic just for testing a panic
show shows the image or all images of a directory inside the terminal (e.g. ITerm2). The path can be a glob path with ?/* and ** (e.g. ~/images/*.jpg, ~/**/*.jpg)
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--height value, -h value sets the height of the output (default: 0)
--help, -? show help (default: false)
--log-level value logging level (default: 3)
--perf Giving some performance statistics at the end (default: false)
--print-version, -V print only the version (default: false)
--recursive, -r Giving some performance statistics at the end (default: false)
--show-unknown-extensions, --uext show files that are not of a known extension and get skipped (default: false)
--use-extensions, -x use extensions to predict what files can be shown (default: true)
--width value, -w value sets the with of the output (default: 0)
Example Output: