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1.0.1 Release Notes (2023 02 09)

IHEII edited this page Feb 9, 2023 · 1 revision

OBKV Table Client Java v1.0.1 Release Notes

Previous Release Notes: 1.0.0 Release Notes (2023 01 03)

1. Abstract

1.1 Bug Fixes and Improvement

Fix some bugs in Mutation, and improve the performance and usability of Mutation.

1.2 Mutation Demo Doc

Add demo for Mutation

2. Bug Fixes and Improvement

1.1 Bug Fixes

We have fixed some bugs which will lead to unexpected errors, and some noteworthy bugs are listed below.

  1. Missing rowkey in BatchOperation of Mutation: Client could not send BatchOperation request to the server after initialing in some cases.
  2. Empty traceId in some operations both in Mutation and other methods: traceId(which is used to debug) is 0 when the request is successfully executed with insignificant error inside the response.

1.2 Improvement

  1. Allow duplicate rowkey between rowkey and mutateRow in Mutation
// Now you can
MutationResult updateResult = client.update("Test")
    .setRowKey(colVal("rowkey", 0L))                                      // rowkey duplicate with MutateRow
    .addMutateRow(row(colVal("rowkey", 0L), colVal("temp", "tempValue"))) // rowkey duplicate with RowKey
  1. Optimize BatchOperation with operations in the same type
// Same type operations
Insert insert_0 = insert();
Insert insert_1 = insert();

// Faster
BatchOperation batchOperation = batchOperation("test_mutation").addOperation(insert_0, insert_1);
  1. update module and artifact name

2. Mutation Demo Doc

A simple Demo of Mutation could be found at Mutation Demo Some function of Mutation is still unsupported now, see readme of the demo.