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dev meeting 20191211

Jeremie Dimino edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 1 revision

Work on performances

Work is being carried out at Jane Street to make the polling mode of Dune faster. A large part of JS internal mono-repository can now be built with Dune and this is what JS devs are using to work on performances.

One interesting detail is that spacetime was successfully used to identify bottlenecks in Dune, which were then easily fixed using the memoisation system.

Faster digestion of data structures

We do a lot of marshal+digest in dune to compute the md5 of complex data structures. Several devs have noticed that this is slow and putting pressure on the GC.

We discussed how this could be improved. First, we could replace md5 by something else. Nowadays there are better and faster digests. Now that we are allowing ourselves to use C in Dune, this shouldn't be difficult.

Second, we could switch to a streaming interface to compute the digest, so that we don't have to construct an intermediate marshaled representation. Using ppx_hash + [@@deriving_inline] seems to be the easiest and fastest way to reach that goal and agreed that we should give it a try.

@aalekseyev also mentioned that we could play with the C API of Marshal and Digest to get a streaming behaviour with the current method, though the ppx_hash way seems more future proof.

Conflicting library versions and big workspaces

Especially in the duniverse context, one might want to have tools such as ocamlformat be part of the workspace. However, this create one issue: ocamlformat uses Base and the things being developed in the workspace might use Base as well, but at a different version.

We could extend Dune scoping so that this is allowed. Given that the two versions of Base will never end up being linked in the same executable, that should work just fine.


The last topic led to a discussion about duniverse and dune. We wonder whether we could have a world where duniverse could prepare a workspace that would be immediately consumable by a plain dune binary, and without physically vendoring all the depencencies in the repository. For instance, by only storing pointers in the workspace that dune would resovle to some central cache automatically managed and filled on demand. It's easy to construct an "expanded" view of the world in Dune and we already do it for symlinks for instance.

@rgrinberg pointed out that one advantage of having duniverse become the main using facing tool is that it allows to pin a particular version of dune. This is sometimes needed because projects depend on a particular behavior of one version of Dune.

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